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Mid Life Crisis - Kilimanjaro 2015 Challenger both Body and Mind

The ONE person I could not do this without – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 4 August 2015 | Views [1314]

Tracey Mattravers

Tracey Mattravers

I may be walking up Kilimanjaro on my own, but there is one person in my life that has helped to make all this possible.

During our lives we all meet amazing people, sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for a few weeks, sometimes for longer and sometimes if we are incredibly luckily, forever,

I met one and asked her for a date on 22nd April 2007. She was the sister of my neighbour Karen and my friend Stuart, so it was a worrying time, as I didn’t want to mess up those relationships either. This proved to be the BEST decision I have ever made.

I have lived a busy life, with constant change, as I sought out what I wanted, and most importantly NEEDED to make me happy. Last week’s blog talked about how thanks to the Motivational Maps tool I have now begun to fully understood what I need from a work point of view. My personal and romantic life was never this simple.

My life has been rocky. I have learnt a lot. I have learnt a lot about what doesn’t make me happy and this is how I am able to write this blog, which many people have said I needed to write.

Having the right person supporting you makes all the difference!

That date is the woman who became my wife! Tracey has supported me FULLY through everything. From having pneumonia when our son was only three months old, (having just come back from Las Vegas on business) to coping when, on my first day back at work, I came home and said I wanted to leave and take voluntary redundancy.

I took voluntary redundancy and a few weeks afterwards when we were on holiday, she supported me when I had two phone interviews, followed by a formal interview in Bristol. On the train on the way home, I was offered that permanent job as well as another job, a higher risk contracting job, which she knew was the one I really wanted. So I did that, with her blessing.

The heath visitor came recently, which means that there are now only four weeks to go until our baby arrives. I can’t help feeling that I have not yet acknowledged how important her support has been. This wonderful woman, a deputy sister of a trauma ward, a fantastic mum, the best wife, has constantly juggled friends and family to make sure I can fit training in, etc.

This is the woman who has always supported me. When I was signing up for Kilimanjaro we discussed the training, the costs and the effects this would have on our family. Given my drive to make sure I am overly (or absolutely) prepared, means that the effects on my family have been HUGE.

Having these few days on holiday has really confirmed how magnificent this lady really is. It has also reminded me that whoever we are, without someone telling us we can do it, most of us won’t achieve the things we are capable of.

We probably would not do it without the support that is all too easy to take for granted.

If, and I mean if, I reach the summit, I owe it to my amazing wife, Tracey.

I probably won’t phone her up though as she will be at home with our couple of weeks old baby (hopefully), our four year old and her mother.

But maybe I will risk it, because those who don’t take risks like asking her out, don’t get …. 

We all need the support of those around us. Especially at times of challenge. There is nothing more challenging than losing someone which is why I am doing this walk in aid of Cruse Bereavement Care Somerset.

There is now seven weeks to go and I am 28% away from my sponsorship target of £5,000. If you have been meaning to sponsor me or share this, to enable me to #achieveandgivesomethingback, I would be most grateful, as would all at Cruse Bereavement Care Somerset, https://www.justgiving.com/Tony-Mattravers/.

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

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