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Mid Life Crisis - Kilimanjaro 2015 Challenger both Body and Mind

Father’s Day – So much can happen in a year – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 24 June 2015 | Views [697]



A year ago this weekend, my lovely boy bought me a pair of socks for Father’s Day. So what? So much! This meant that my wife fully supported my plan to climb Kilimanjaro which as she reminded me this last weekend, is now only 13 weeks away.

And being only 13 weeks away, means that our second child is now due only 10 weeks from now. So all of a sudden, I am jolted to the realisation that there is still a great deal to be done.

Reflecting back on the year, I find it hard to believe how far we’ve come. And how much more is still to be done. As if it wasn’t enough to be expecting our second child,  we have seen and decided to buy our dream home, so our own home is now on the market and needs to be sold quickly if we are to achieve that dream of moving into a proper grown up house, ready for our family’s growth from three to four.

And then there’s the Kilimanjaro training. Amidst the usual pressures of work, I have managed to fit in some additional walks, and an occasional cycle ride. This last weekend I booked myself in for the Exmoor Perambulation – a 16 mile walk through breathtaking scenery, along walks that are not normally open to the public. Doing this walk with a former colleague, Andrew Bissett was the perfect opportunity to reflect on the last year. Andrew has successfully started two businesses since I last saw him, so he certainly knows how to focus on what is important and the walk provided plenty of opportunity to review my fitness as the walking and scrambling over moorland and rivers was a stark reminder that I still have work to do in training for the walking part of my trek.

So this week I am going to focus on three key things that are most important AND which I can influence. I can’t make somebody buy our house, but I can make sure it is in the best possible condition for somebody to want to buy it.

I can influence my fitness levels, which are incredibly important, so I’ve already started the week by fitting in extra cycling time and walking too. And I can influence the fundraising which is why I make time once a week to share what’s been happening as well as what I am learning as I prepare for the climb.  

If you have been meaning to help me maintain my focus and drive me forward, please support my efforts and help me to help Cruse Bereavement Care Somerset, https://www.justgiving.com/Tony-Mattravers/.

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, panic, summit, trekking

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