EVEN THOUGH IT’S ONLY ABOUT 400 MILES from Myrtle Beach to St. Augustine, we broke up the trip with a stop in Georgia. When we last visited Savannah in ’05—the details are a bit fuzzy in my mind—we seem to recall having a good time so we decided to book a room in the Best Western last night for another look around.

Historic Savannah walking tour

Washington Square, one of 22 parks in the historic district

Forsyth Park with Connie in the distance

When cotton was king—Cotton Exchange
Actually, today started out fine—perfect weather for a stroll around Savannah. Historic Savannah covers 50 blocks and 22 park squares from Forsyth Park to the the Cotton Exchange on the Savannah River. Our self-guided jaunt took us on brick and cobble streets, under live oaks draped with Spanish moss and past dozens of lovingly restored 18th Century homes.

Stephen Williams House, 1834

It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood

Green-Meldrim Mansion, circa 1860
And while we Yankees usually associate Savannah with the Civil War and Sherman’s “march to the sea,” Georgia—Savannah in particular—also played an important role in the American Revolution, Many of the homes we walked past today date from the same era as those we saw in Alexandria. There is even a Colonial Cemetery for soldiers who died in the Revolutionary War.

Colonial Cemetery, Savannah

Cannons presented to the City of Savannah by George Washington
And now for the weather. It hasn’t rained on us in like…forever. Despite the 5% chance of precipitation, the skies opened up while we were eating lunch. Our umbrellas were in the car, of course, a soggy mile away. We avoided a total soaking by hopping puddles and sprinting from awning to awning whenever the rain slackend and John gallantly made the final dash to the parking garage in a downpour.