WE HAVE BEEN BACK IN COLORADO FOR exactly a month—and, boy, have we been busy. We got much needed haircuts and retrieved some essentials from storage even before we checked in to our latest AirBnB, our fifth “same-but-different” condo in the Greenwood Village complex.
Our answer to Global Warming
The avarice of car rental companies combined with their reluctance to rent to septuagenarians made buying a car somewhat of a necessity. After an internet search and a couple of test drives, we replaced the over-priced rental car with a car of our very own, a 2017 Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid. It has all the high-end goodies; leather seats, sun-roof and GPS. It is rated at 60mpg and has only 40,000 miles on the odometer—John swears it was owned by a little old lady who never never drove it outside the Republic of Boulder. We hope to keep it for a year or more but even if we sell it after six-months we’ll be ahead of the game. And after nine years of nearly constant travel to more than 80 countries, the wheels were coming off of our REI luggage—literally! Handles, too, so we hit the Memorial Day sale at REI for replacements. I have a feeling that we will pack it in before these babies wear out.
When they were new
The last rodeo
Connie’s two-year dental implant ordeal is coming to an end. The bone graft was a success, the hardware has been inserted and the replacement tooth is on order. Similar story for John’s missing molar but he opted for a permanent bridge over an implant. Just one more visit to the dentist and a cleaning and we’re set.
Oh, say can you see?
Connie's psychedelic photo of an Iris
Not only is Connie looking great, she’s seeing better, too. She has had two cataract surgeries a week apart—right eye first. It’s as strange to see her again without glasses as it is for her to see me without her glasses. Now we’re ready to take on our social obligations.
Shy Gosling
Swainson's Hawk on the nest
We’ve already been birding with Tim and Candice at Rocky Mountain Arsenal and are hoping to get up to their cabin soon. Houston friends from our first cruise, Greg and Laura, will be in town in two weeks and we have just been invited to the premiere of “Teen Rex,” the IMAX documentary about the dino dig we attended last July. Turns out the skeleton the “Brothers” discovered was from a juvenile T-Rex, Teen Rex! Get it?