WHEN KIPLING WROTE “ONLY MAD DOGS and Englishmen go out in the midday sun” he could have been referring to Puerto Morelos. With the heat and humidiy it’s uncomfortable even on the beach. They have been cleaning up after Señorita Grace's temper tantrum and the sand is like confectioner’s sugar. The tons of eel grass or sargassum or whatever that comes ashore with each tide just keep piling up—and it tends to smell funky, too. It’s fine for an evening walk but I’ll skip the swim, gracias.

Sugar Sand

And it smells funky, too

Sun, Sand and Seaweed
On the plus side, Amar Inn is pretty fantastic. I always check the “comments” on Booking.com and when a woman from Switzerland raves about a place, you can take it to the bank! Our room has great air-con, good wifi, a fridge, coffee-maker and a microwave. The shower is spacious and the water is hot. Breakfast begins with pastries and coffee followed by a fruit platter and then some kind of egg dish. Yesterday Luis, the owner, asked how our night was and what he could do to make it the best night we ever had—a loaded question if I ever heard one—but in truth, it’s a great place and everything is wonderful.

Amar Inn—Swiss Approved

Atifacts from the Sea, Amar Inn
Everything we need in Puerto Morales is within walking distance—if you don’t mind sweating a bit. “Downtown” near the harbor is fully-stocked Chedraui grocery store where we’ve loaded up on fruit, cheese, crackers and—of course—Pepsi Light. There are dozens of restaurants, ice cream parlors, T-shirt/sombrero/souvenir shops and little tiendas where you can part with your pesos plus the cute Parroquia San José Obrero church across from the park.

Feels like Paradise
Saturday evening we walked along the beach past Mayan dancers and drummers to a seaside restaurant for some local fare. Camarones para Connie y ceviche con cerveza para mi.