A MONTH IS SCARCELY ENOUGH time to explore all that Costa Rica has to offer. But this is our third visit—2½ months in all. We Vagabonds have to be somewhere, after all, and Playa Flamingo was just what we were looking for. Our condo at Summit Heights was upscale yet laid-back and, surprisingly, came with weekly maid service. We’re only an hour from the airport in Liberia and 20-minutes from the well-stocked AutoMercado grocery in Tamarindo so John could cook everything from meatloaf to risotto and Connie can have all the fresh pineapple, watermelon and oranges she wants.

Annie and Chelsea with their new "caña de pescado"
While the beach at Playa Flamingo is fine we preferred the more secluded “Connie’s Beach.” It isn’t as undiscovered as we first thought, especially on weekends, but we usually have it mostly to ourselves on weekday mornings. John has yet to catch a fish but claims several “big ones” got away, mostly barracuda whose sharp teeth cut his line. This morning John gave his rod, reel and lures to Annie, a Tica woman who has been fishing on the beach. She comes with her daughter, Chelsea and fishes with a hand-line, whirling the lure around her head like a lasso, letting it fly and stripping the line onto a spool. And darn it if she hasn’t caught a corvina or two!

Hasn't Been Right Yet!
The weather in Costa Rica, at times can be quite wet. But don’t listen to the Weather Guys, they haven’t been right yet. The forecasts are the same each day—thunderstorms just after noon but the skies stay blue and sunny and it likely won’t rain soon. You are forced to buy insurance for your health and rental car. With gasoline and food so pricey your colons won’t go far. So take your pura vida with a heaping spoon of honey. The country can be paradise if you’ve a lot of money.

Just a Trim Before We Go
We’re checking out of Summit Heights a day early in order to get Covid tests and will spend the night at the Best Western in Liberia. Our flight to Oaxaca leaves on Thursday morning and our connection in Houston requires a negative Covid test which we have scheduled for Wednesday afternoon in Liberia.
So look for our next entry from Mexico.