IT MIGHT SOUND LIKE WE’RE WHINGING—but we aren’t. Despite how crappy we felt last night, we are extremely relieved to have gotten our second dose of the Moderna Covid vaccine yesterday. Last month's 8-hour drive from Cocoa Beach to Fort Walton for shot #1 is a distant memory. After a night's sleep and some "Vitamin I" the malaise from #2 is already dissipating. According to the cognoscenti, the discomfort from the second dose is a confirmation that the first one was effective.
Ibuprofen, a.k.a "Vitamin I"
We will have to wait to see what benefits the vaccine provides, other than protecting us personally. Can we still spread the virus? Will we need a booster? And of most concern to us, when will we be able to travel abroad? Cautiously optimistic, we are exploring future trips while waiting for answers. But we’re not buying any tickets yet!