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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 1 October 2007 | Views [1287] | Comments [9]

Hey Y'all

Made it to Coolengatta today via Nimbin - look it up it's wierd.  Full of more hippies and plenty of drugs too.  It was recommened to us so we decided to have a drive through today.  We stopped 15 mins and decided it wasn't the place to be so we continued up the coast to Coolengatta to do a little more surfing and sightseeing. 

I bought a new pair of thongs (flip flops) yesterday and today while we were surfing they were stolen :-(  I can't believe someone would steal a pair of 12 quid shoes but there you go.

Hope all is well in the UK

Ed & Mel

Tags: Scams & Robberies



Now then lads,
Sounds like you're all having a top time. Just got back from hols Italy, which was great, but I'll tell you about that later.

Please can you explain to Mel that they is time difference between England and Australia, since he keeps texting me at 3am telling me how good the beer is or that he "Needs a wee".


  Skelly Oct 1, 2007 9:21 PM



Sounds like you are having a great time, I cant understand why you didnt stay with the hippies. It would have felt like being at home in queensbury on a friday night in the Ring o Bells.

Skell, You cant explain time to Mel he doesnt understand the concept of it, even when he is in the UK he text saying he needs a wee at 3:00 am

Keep on drinking and have a few for me


  Joe Oct 2, 2007 12:34 AM


Greetings to you both from UK
Good to be back in touch with you again and glad to hear all is well. Guess you might be in Rocky shortly - your second home Ed!
We have just returned from a 10 day holiday in the south of England and the Isle Of Wight. The weather was not brilliant but we had an interesting time visiting various place which we have always said we would visit one day!
We have found Byron Bay and Nimbin on the map. You are certainly improving our geography! Hope you are enjoying Oz Mel and have mastered the art of surfing!
Remember us to everyone at The Oxford and enjoy yourselves. Looking forward to seeing some photographs soon.
Take good care.
LOL Mum & Dad xxxx

  Mum & Dad Oct 6, 2007 5:55 AM


Hi Ed,

Hope you are well fella! Big game tomorrow, so I am sure they have been giving you lots of grief 'down under' especially after 2003 when we beat them in the final! You never know we might beat them again (very unlikely!!!).
Great to meet up with you the other week over lunch, very civilised for us two, normally it ends up with both of us being rather drunk!!! Some great stories mate, could have spent ages catching up and listening to the things you have been doing!
Sarah and the kids send their love & best wishes. Keep living the dream.



  Lee Windle Oct 6, 2007 7:14 AM


Hope you managed to catch the game Saturday. If you send me your address I’ll send you some salt, so you can rub it into the Aussie wounds.

  Skelly Oct 8, 2007 5:02 PM


Sounds like your having a great time boyes.

All the same here mate, but Leeds UTD are on the up as we continue unbeaten.

Check out my facebook next week, there is a picture of the state I was in after Leeds won on Saturday. Emms said it was funny but on Sunday my head didn't feel so funny.

Will post the pics ASAP.

Have a cold one for me.

must go need a wee!


  Simon Hustwit Oct 10, 2007 3:56 PM


Hi both, pleased to hear you are both having a very 'educational' trip round all these museums, you are certainly seeing the sights in double quick time. Nothing new in Queensbury well not that we have heard about. We all went to Prego Sunday evening but Si & Shelley gave back word in the afternoon but we all enjoyed it. Mario was very pleased to receive the email about the gun said he would contact you when it landed in Malta. Hope you are enjoying your "work experience" and not eating Eds share of the food. Take good care of yourselves. Love to you both.
Pam Jeff and GYP xxx both

  Pam Bean Oct 11, 2007 5:52 AM


Hi Eddy
Well as I write this Mel will be flying over UK and looking out for terminal 2!! Do hope he has had a good flight and is not too jet lagged. We are really looking forward to catching up with him and hearing all about your adventures perhaps over a nice cup of tea!
We are over at Andy & Ms. They have developed a leak
somewhere in the cylinder cupboard and so we have been called out to investigate! Do hope it can be sorted without too much disruption.
Anyway how are you and where are you? Do hope all is well and that you are now back in work mode!
We had a most enjoyable time last weekend. Shirley and Charles came to stay and they treated us to a lovely meal down at T'mill. It was really delicious and the atmosphere is really relaxing and calm.
We took them to the Five Rise Locks at Bingley on Sat but Phil misjudged where to park and we walked for a good 2/3 miles along the tow path before we actually got to the locks! Anyway it was a nice easy walk in comparison to the one which S&C had done earlier in the week. They have have been up to Scotland with John & Bev and tackled Ben Nevis, got within striking distance of the summit when the mists came down and they decided not to risk going any further. Such a pity but they would not have seen anything anyway!
On Sunday we had a nice lazy breakfast and then drove out to Holmfirth and had a look around there, before coming home round the moors touching Derbyshire (it is so bleak up there but interesting to see and the views are fantastic from the various vantage points. We then came home and had a meal together and chatted the evening away. We looked at Wedding photographs and re lived the 24th August all over again - it was lovely.
We have had sight of the offcial photographs and I think Andy & Ms are well pleased with them so have approved them for printing. They really are super - some lovely shots and I cannot decide which one I like best they are all so good. If you get chance to go on The Evening Courier site you will see what was in the paper a couple of weeks ago.
Well there is water running everywhere or so it sounds - oh no it's Andy having a pee!
We have had some quite grey damp days recently but now it is much cooler and there was a frost last night, today we have bright sunshine.
Well I had better log off now and see what is happening with "The Plumbers"
Do hope all is well Eddy and we look forward to hearing fro you soon. Take good care.
LOL Always Mum & Dad xxxxxxx

  Mum & Dad Oct 18, 2007 9:52 PM


Hi Eddy
I cannot tell you what a relief it was for us to hear your voice this morning. We were really getting quite concerned about your whereabouts. We rang Jessievale station and got no reply and have left several messages on your answer phone. This morning we rang Josh and he said he would tell you to contact us if you were in touch with him.
Anyway just to let everyone know Eddy is fine. Evidently severe storms have taken out the phone lines and ofcourse internet access and Ed has no signal on his mobile. However hopefully everything will soon be restored and so perhaps we can resume communication!
Meantime Ed take good care and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
LOL Mum & Dad xx

  Mum & Dad Nov 23, 2007 6:00 AM



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