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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia

Sorry for no news sooner.

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 23 November 2007 | Views [766] | Comments [4]

Well finally I have managed to get to the internet but only brifely.  I am sure somne of you will have caught up with Mel in the meantime.  Here is a rundown for what I've been doing.

Work 21 days in a row and at the mo 6 days a week.  Helecopter crash.  Road train crash.  Only two broken teeth and I wasn't in either.  Sunshine, Storms and very hot weather. . . Stag doi this weekend.

Thats all for now, but will be intouch again when back online in Cloncurry hopefully next week



Tags: Sightseeing



Hello Eddy

Sounds a bit like HSBC ! You certainly sound to have got back into life in Oz. Can't believe you have been there for a year, except for your short break.
There have been alot of people that know you at HSBC asking what you were doing at the Wedding, they could not believe the connection. (that's Eddy Bird I thought he was in Australia)
We went christmas shopping at The Trafford Centre on Friday with Andrew and Emma,we had two bottles of wine at lunch time and we all walked round in a fog all afternoon, the cost of things didn't seem to matter, have you got your shopping completed in the bush ! We called atSue and Philips on the way home and had a much needed cup of tea which was really nice. Looking forward to going to messiah and Carols and brass with Sue and Philip, sign that christmas is nearly upon us.
Will it be christmas on the beach this year, or willyou be working long hours again ?

Hope you are keeping well.

All the best

Charles and Shirley

  charles and Shirley Nov 26, 2007 6:11 AM


Hi Ay Eddy
Do hope all the phone lines will soon be connected and we can resume normal service with some regularity! Must feel almost like Swales Moor!
Unlike you we are experiencing much cooler weather now and along with the dark nights its time to hibernate!
All potters along steadily here but things are hotting up now as Christmas looms ever nearer. We are having Christmas day here this year, the turkey is ordered and I must give careful thought to more detailed preparations. I guess we will have to manage without the Sauce Chef for a second year, but don't worry I am sure we will struggle on regardless!
Phil has been busy restoring a trailer which Andy bought on Ebay. He has stripped it right down and is now rebuilding it. It will be like a Rolls Royce on completion and certainly must not be used for brash, coal or anything dirty.
Melvyn keeps asking about you and does hope you will be in touch with him soon.
You sound to be very busy and working hard - how long do you expect to be at this station?
Messiah next weekend followed by Carols and Brass, Shirley and Charles will join us for them so we will certainly all be in Christmas mode. We must pop down the valley for some holly soon. I went down about a fortnight ago and it is not very prolific this year but I am sure we will find a little to keep up with the tradition.
Anyway Ed take good care and hope to hear from you soon.
LOL Mum & Dad xxxxx

  Mum & Dad Nov 26, 2007 6:14 AM


I just posted our message above and went back to check it was sent and found that Shirley and Charles had sent a message too. Great minds think alike!
Take care Ed LOL Mum & Dad xx

  Mum & Dad Nov 26, 2007 6:21 AM


Hey Ed!!! How r u? Sorry I haven't contacted u in so long. I got an email from Col not long ago about the chopper and road train accidents. I feel bad for the McMillans. That's a lot of shit that they have to deal with in such a short period of time. Was the chopper insured or what's going on with that? How's everyone else out there in Curry? I miss you guys? Do you have Scott's email address by the way? Hope ur well. I'm sorry I didn't get to make it out to Byron Bay, sounds like u had fun! Take care! love, callie

  Callie Berman Dec 17, 2007 8:24 PM



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