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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia

After Christmas

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 28 December 2006 | Views [706] | Comments [7]

Back at work for the first time since Christmas today.  On both boxing day and yesterday (the 27th) it rained which is very welcome for here.  And also by me as it meant we had to stay in.  We got in total 25mm of rain which isn't a lot really, but it's a start. I have now watched parts one & two of The Lord Of The Rings, and haven't got a clue what is going on !!  Part three will be shown next time it rains and I will let you know then if I understand it !

Glad to get so many emails wishing me a merry Christmas and comments on the blog too - Glad the Stella wen't down well at home, and I'm sure by quite a few others that are reading the blog (Hexy & Sim in particular !)

I have got a cricket update for you all.  Unfortunatly England lost the forth test by an innings and 99 runs, so as I am 10hrs in front of the UK, if you get down to the betting shop quick enough you can put a bet on before you see the end of it over there.  I'll have a fiver please.

Hope everyone is enjoying being back at work, and please put your new years resolution on the blog for me to read and keep track of you all in 2007.  For those that don't I will out some suggestions on for you.

All the best for 2007 if I don't get chance to write again before then.


Tags: Work



Hi Eddy
Great to hear from you again and thanks for replying to FF so quickly. We all thank you for our Christmas presents. I am the sure railway book will come into its own when we are planning our trip out to see you. Jane got Dad a Lonely Planet guide to East Coast of Australia so we have no excuse not to get fully genned! up. We got lots of lovely presents/plants, perfumes,books,bags,beer,biscuits,chutneys,calendars,
CD's,jigsaw puzzles,dvds and Shirley & Charles got us a very special flagrance oil lamp which is very ornamental too.
My New Year Resolution is to enjoy 2007 thoroughly and take each day steadily because I have a feeling that the year is going to just fly by. There is so much happening during the course of the year and I bet everything will happen all at once.
Dad's resolution is to start thinking now about his resolution for 2008 in case you put the same question again next year! We look forward to hearing everyone elses resolutions if they dare to put them on this Blog!
We were hoping to have exchanged the rain for some of your Australian sunshine but it remains very dull and dreary here just now.
Well, we have only one more chance left in the cricket to regain some credibilty, lets hope they pull out all the stops in Sydney for the final fling. I do wish I knew how to place a bet Eddy as I would have maybe ventured into the Bookies and speculated. You know just how dumb I am and can only have a flutter when you are around to tell me what to do, even then I do not seem to be very lucky but do enjoy the fun! Remember Pop and the fun we used to have on Grand National Day!
Well Eddy there was me hoping that you would be all clued up on Lord of the Rings! Too many tinnies I think which dulled your power of concentration!
That's it for now Eddy, must go and do a bit of dusting etc.
Miss you loads but love you more - take care.

  Mum & Dad Dec 29, 2006 2:30 AM


You have been a busy boy haven't you?!

Glad to see you're doing well and enjoying removal of cow's testicles. Seems an apt job for a former banker!

Nice to see comments from Mr Swindle and Atif on your blog - hi guys! Hope you're well! (not that this is designed to be a chat amongst ourselves whilst Eddy is sweating away like a good 'un in Oz!)

Trust it's going well for you Eddy. Photos certainly look like it's a nice place to be. I should imagine your neighbours are fairly quiet...?!

If you could take a set of those tools you use on the cows to Sydney in readiness for the next test and use them on McGrath and Warne, that would be good....!

  Andrew Atkinson Dec 29, 2006 5:31 AM


hi edward
Hope you have had a good christmas in the sunshine
Happy new year to you and all your new friends love jenny and chris and co

  Chris & Jenny Dec 30, 2006 8:21 AM


Happy New Year Eddy. Do hope its a great year for you down under. Wonder what you will get up to next!
We have sent an email to you and hope you pick that up shortly. Not much response to your call for New Year Resolutionsn as yet - I think everyone is nursing a hang over perhaps and I cannot see much change until into the New Year! I bet you are just the same!
Hope you manage to celebrate in some way and that you enjoy yourself. Take care.

  Mum & Dad Dec 31, 2006 7:55 AM



It's just approaching 14:00 here so think you will be just about to see the New Year in? Hope you've had an awesome one mate and hope that 2007 is good for you down under. Take care and we'll e-mail you soon.

Lots of love Andy & Em -x-x-

  Andy & Em Jan 1, 2007 12:42 AM


Happy new year mate.

Hope 2007 is a great year for you and for us all.

New year resolutions:

Shirley- To read more (now she has glasses this should be easier!)

Charles- To watch less TV

Emms- To cycle once a week, but not very far!!

Simon- To get as fit as I was last year, by running etc, started on the bike today in the driving rain!- however not reducing the stella intake!!

Time will tell if we can stick to this!

Well mate time for us to start counting down the last few hours of 2006, catch you later!

Best wishes, missing you mate

Si, Emms , Charles and Curley Shirls!x

  Simon Hustwit Jan 1, 2007 6:44 AM


Happy 2007 Eddy - you are there but we have 2 and a half hours to go. Cannot find the fractions on this computer! Heard a good resolution the other day which can apply to you, Simon and Andy. "to not drink anymore"..............but not to drink any less either!
Enjoy yourself Eddy LOL Mum & Dadxx

  Mum & Dad Jan 1, 2007 8:23 AM



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