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Ed in Oz Travels around the stations & pubs of Australia

Hervy Bay from Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 16 March 2008 | Views [587] | Comments [2]

Hey Again all.

I'm sticking to the rule of not letting those two write anymore so I'll let you know myself.

We have been in Sydney for a couple of days, and met with (HSBC) Nige & Sarah.  The are both looking really well and enjoying there time out here in Oz.  More of them later.

We arrived after another day of driving this time between Melbourne & Sydney, and it was pretty late by the time we arrived.  Not wanting to let the side down we decided to go out for a couple of drinks.  I got intouch with Nige and he proceeded to take us on a pub crawl around some great bars in Sydney.  The last place he took us served beer in what appeared to be buckets.  The were as I think we all said at one point or another "these pints are F+++ing massive"  Anyway we had a really good nigth and want to saty a big thank you to Nige & Sarah for showing us around the city.  The following day we did a few boring jobs, and had a wander around Sydney with hangovers, culminating in a nerveracking breath test before we were allowed to strole to the top of the Harbour Bridge - a really spectacular view.  3 1/2 hour climb and 600 calories lost later we were back at the bottom.  We follow this woth a trip on a ferry accross the harbour to Manly and as we set off fireworks were going off over the bridge. (for a wedding but I told Andy & Mel I had arranged it).

This morning we caught a plane to Hervey bay and had a couple of hours fishing.  I caught about 6 big (massive) fish Andy & Mel caught a boot and a shopping trolly recpectivly), and tomorrow we go to Fraiser Island - the biggest sand island in the world.  Photos to follow.

Ed, Andy & Mel




Hey Jude, Andy & Mel
Great to have the latest update on your adventure. I guess Sydney will never be the same again like so many places you three have visited!
Hope the Sydney Bridge experience lived up to your expectations but I am so glad they gave you a thorough check before you started! How thoughtful of you to organise a firework display for Andy & Mel, Jude! I was not aware that you had friends from HSBC in Sydney Jude - how good to meet up with them and for you to have your own personal tour guides - gave you some respite from your arduous task Judith.
Its Australia all the way today. I have TV on at the minute and watching The Crocodile Hunter Diaries. The Rescue Unit with Steve Irwin are out on a remote South Pacific Island of Vanuatu and have trapped an injured croc, netted it up put it in a Ute and are going to fly it out to be fixed. By jove what powerful creatures they are even when injured. The locals have been absolutely petrified of course and are so grateful to the Croc hunters for taking it away, they can resume swimming again!
This programme will be followed by the Australian Grand Prix! So I expect you will be able to catch up with that via the media.
Now as far as your fishing expedition goes I have only found one recipe which you can use to cook your particular speciality!
Fish A La Boot Gently Smoked over a Hervey Bay Trundle Trivet. You could give it a try but I guess Shirley and Charles will also have some good ideas too.
We enjoyed the Ruby Wedding Celebrations last night in Elland though I woke with a non alcoholic hang over this morning, explain that if you can.
Hope you are recovered enough to enjoy the next stage of your adventure. Take good care Love to all Mum & Dad xx

  Mum & Dad Mar 17, 2008 1:47 AM


Hello to the traveling trio

You are certainly covering some miles, we had a rapid communication at work about the 'LADS' arriving in Sydney!
Sue's recipe sounds excellent, you could use the shopping trolley as the Barbeque, it would also be mobile, could maybe make a few dollars walking up and down the beech.
Could you bring some sand home Andrew, I think the house at the end with the 'fence' could use some, the amount of sand and cement they have used already has exhausted the supplies in Wetherby and it's still blowing down in the wind. I have booked you in for a course on your return, I'm sure you it would be beneficial ! If there are any spare fence panels can you bring some of those too !
Carry on Aussing !(is that a word?)The brains a bit fuddled as work in once again coming round.At least it is only a 4 day week, looking forward to going to Sue and Philips on Easter Monday.

Take care, all our love

Charles and Shirley

  Charles & Shirley Mar 17, 2008 8:53 AM



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