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Sky Dive Interlaken

SWITZERLAND | Sunday, 27 Jul 2008 | Views [1203] | Comments [4]

Disclaimer, this keyboard switches the y's and z's... Its a Swiss kezboard, Im not going to bother fixing it.  Sorrz also for the mispleed words and evidence of haste, Im on a timelimit. So, Katie and I had an extra daz somewhere and I suggested we ... Read more >

Gallery: Switzerland

SWITZERLAND | Sunday, 27 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

Sky diving
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Gallery: Germany number 2

GERMANY | Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

Neuschwanstein castel and Munich
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Hacking with 'The David' in Florence

ITALY | Tuesday, 22 Jul 2008 | Views [955] | Comments [1]

So, our emails were along teh lines of 'We will meet you in front of the bell tower at San Marcos at 6.00.  We will wait until 6.20 and if we dont see you then we will come back at 8.00 and 10.00pm.'  So, we didnt catch him at 6.00, therfore we went ... Read more >

Gallery: Italy

ITALY | Sunday, 20 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Venice and Seville... comparable

ITALY | Sunday, 20 Jul 2008 | Views [1128]

Oh boy, so I'm thinking that I have a new city that rivals with my Favorite Sevilla!  We are in Venice right now, Katie has been talking this place up quite a bit for the past month and a half and I can now see why.  I think that the element that interests ... Read more >

Waiting for our 37 hour ferry ride.

GREECE | Wednesday, 16 Jul 2008 | Views [1031] | Comments [3]

I really feel like the trip is starting to wind down. It's strange because we still have about 3 weeks left. I think maybe its because we've hit 20 of the 25 planned countries. Plus over the next three weeks we will return to Germany, Austria and ... Read more >

Gallery: Greece

GREECE | Monday, 14 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Bulgaria

BULGARIA | Monday, 14 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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The mall of Sofia, an oasis in Eastern Europe

BULGARIA | Monday, 14 Jul 2008 | Views [685]

Well, not quite an Oasis, but they did have clean bathrooms.  We arrived early and arranged our night train out of the city.  This will be our 3rd night train in a row now in which we have not been able to shower.  We still have one more night train to ... Read more >

The butthole of the world

ROMANIA | Sunday, 13 Jul 2008 | Views [1466]

So, I have officially travelled to the "butthole of the world." Bucarest, Romania. The most disgusting place on earth. I would really like to write about theis experience but... I'm trying to forget this part of my life! haha. No, it was ... Read more >

Gallery: Romania

ROMANIA | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Hungary

HUNGARY | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

cool horrible subway systems
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I think I missed my chance to go to a rave

HUNGARY | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Views [1301] | Comments [3]

On the train yesterday to Budapest, Katie and I met these two Hungarian guys who lived in Budapest, Thomas and Aandrew.  We were able to talk with them for a good part of our 7 hour train ride, (I swear the trains are slower in Eastern Europe!)  They ... Read more >

Gallery: Zagreb, Croatia

CROATIA | Thursday, 10 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Buzz Backpackers in Zagreb, Croatia

CROATIA | Thursday, 10 Jul 2008 | Views [785]

Croatia really wasnt that interesting!  We arrived in the afternoon and by evening we had seen everything that we thought was relevant.  As this has happened before on this trip once, maybe twice, the next day we looked for a movie theater.  I think ... Read more >

Gallery: Slovakia

SLOVAKIA | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Bratislava, Slovakia

SLOVAKIA | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Views [959] | Comments [1]

So as the movie "Hostal," was supposedly filmed here we had an interesting first encounter.  There was a girl waiting at the platform that the passengers of our train exited by handing out flyers for a hostal that she works for.  We had not ... Read more >

Gallery: Czech Republic

CZECH REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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J. Lyons once told me that this place was great.

CZECH REPUBLIC | Sunday, 6 Jul 2008 | Views [821] | Comments [2]

(Disclaimer, on this keyboard I cant hit any key twice in a row, so bot should be boot, ect. Ill try and catch the mistakes.) Our arrival to our hostel was a hassel. First, our train was about 45 minutes late, then we had some troubles trying to buy ... Read more >

Gallery: Poland

POLAND | Thursday, 3 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Berlin, Germany part II

GERMANY | Wednesday, 2 Jul 2008 | Views [887] | Comments [2]

My first post on Germany wasn't very extensive, I only had a few minutes and couldn't load pictures, due to no USB port.  Last night while still in germany we met this cool Argentinian guys, Nano, Esteban and Ioni.  They had some questions about the ... Read more >

Yes, I played Hackey Sack with the Blue Men in Berlin!

GERMANY | Wednesday, 2 Jul 2008 | Views [654] | Comments [1]

Hey eveyone short entry today we have a lot of berlin to see!  I just wanted to add that last night, katie and I went to see the Blue Man Group here in berlin.  It was awesome!  Afterwards, we went to the lobby and I had Katie take a picture of me playing ... Read more >

Gallery: Germany

GERMANY | Tuesday, 1 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Sweden

SWEDEN | Sunday, 29 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 5 photos >>

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