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I think I missed my chance to go to a rave

HUNGARY | Saturday, 12 July 2008 | Views [1353] | Comments [3]

On the train yesterday to Budapest, Katie and I met these two Hungarian guys who lived in Budapest, Thomas and Aandrew.  We were able to talk with them for a good part of our 7 hour train ride, (I swear the trains are slower in Eastern Europe!)  They gave us a heads up about Budapest, where to go and where to stay away from (aka, where the gypsies are!... Thanks guys!)  Anyway, we arrived at our hostel and essentially went to bed...However, before we went to bed and we were writting in our journals we heard the loud, drunk college students in the hallway talking about going to a rave.  I contemplated asking them where it was and grabbing Katie to tag along, but she would have nothing to do with it... I guess it's for the better, we would hvae had to sleep in and then the day would have been shot.  Maybe in another city, and we actually had a really good time here in Budapest today, all exceot for the fine we recieved on the subway system.  We apparently had to buy a ticket for every line we used regarless if we saw the city above ground or not (like it is in EVERY OTHER city in europe.)  I'm usually a rather laid back person but I yelled at the guy who fined us and told him how ridiculous it was and that we didnt know, (which we didn't.)  It put me in a really bad mood for the first part of the day.  The fine was 6,000 'forint' which is about 30 Euros or 45 U.S. dollars.  Luckily I had plenty of Euro on me to pay the fine...  oh well.  Spilt milk, huh?  Teh architecture here in Budapest is really cool, the buildings have so much decoration on them, it's like ever building has this massive air about it.  Like it was at sometime someones palace.  I'll try and upload some pictures.  All the streets are the typical narrow back streets of Europe which was pleasant.  I must add though, I really miss Prague, I think mainly from the people we met there though... which could have happened in any city... Sara, Miquel and Laura our Spaniard friends, (who are welcome anytime in the U.S.) 

I'm gonig to get some pictures up. 




you are totally fresh in your ideas and your liveliness.

  walking-buddy Jul 12, 2008 6:13 AM


You must have really been upset about the fine you are typically a very laid back kind of guy. I'm glad you didn't let it ruin your whole day, you don't want to give them that kind of power. I have been admiring some of the cool tshirts in your pics. How much does your bag weigh now? Katie carries fruit and you must carry t shirts. Have fun on those night trains. love you.

  sharon Jul 12, 2008 1:38 PM


Hey Brother - thinking a lot about you! Hope you can journey to the NW soon as it looks highly likely we are moving back to Montana. Either place, you always have a place to crash. With all of the urban backpack experience you've racked up, we will have to balance out your wilderness time. We love you! Yeeaahhh Boyeee!

  Davis and NW Ashleys Jul 13, 2008 8:31 AM



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