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The Great Spiral

J. Lyons once told me that this place was great.

CZECH REPUBLIC | Sunday, 6 July 2008 | Views [827] | Comments [2]

(Disclaimer, on this keyboard I cant hit any key twice in a row, so bot should be boot, ect. Ill try and catch the mistakes.)

Our arrival to our hostel was a hassel. First, our train was about 45 minutes late, then we had some troubles trying to buy our transportation tickets, we had pulled money out of an ATM but it was only in bills and we needed coins for the machine that gave us our passes. So I had to go and buy the cheapest thing I could find in the convinient store thing (something that slightly immitated a candy bar,) in order to get some change for our passes. Once we got through the subway our directions said to take bus number 207, of course the 207 didn't go in the direction that we needed it to go. So we rode the entire route in the oposite direction to find out that we could have walked the distance to the hostel going the other way. Which would have been fine, if Katie didn't think that her foot was possibly broken or splintered. Her foot has been hurting her for about a week now, every time that she steps on it she says that it feels like it is cracking. So, we are going to go to the hospital today to see what the problem is, hopefully nothing to serious that would hinder her trip. She says that she'l tough it out in any case. I just think that she doesn't want to have to go home because then she will be really behind me in the "countries visited competition." :) Really though, we will deal with it if her foot is broken. It will probably just mean that Im carying more weight in my back pack which is fine.

Yeah, so last night we tried to met up some American students studying in Poland that we had met on the overnight train to Prague that we took two nights ago. We walked the distance and took the busses to the meeting place, (A park high up on a hill with a giant metronome) but we were unable to find them. We did however find that this park had ben taken over by the skaters of the city. There had to have been at minimum 100 kids skate boarding, jumping off of ledges, practicing their tricks, videotaping everything. It was quickly clear who the more advanced skaters were. It was kind of funy they had themselves sectioned of by skill. Of course the better skaters were taking the bigger jumps. I'll try and get some pictures posted before we leave Prague.

Last night we also ate some kilbosa at a garden restaurant in the park and a little later we went to a bar and grill that some Anericans recomended to a guy that we met here and have been hanging out with, (Blake.) It was called The Frackle.





How's the trip? Great i assume. Pretty fun too, i'm sure. I'm only just now reading your journals. I lost the address so i had to get it from one of my amigas. Hopfully i'll be in Spanish 2 with you next year so I can hear more of your amazing stories. Cause it's better hearing about them, than reading them. But i have to go. Hope to read more later. Bye!

Gotten any new flags to put up around your room??

  Sarah Smith Jul 8, 2008 9:41 AM


Hey Devin,

How's your travels going? We are in Bled, Slovenia at the moment just chilling and recovering from our hectic city-filled first half of the tour. On Sunday we move on to Venice, then Milan, and Lausanne in Switzerland, before flying home from Paris on the 22nd.

Was awesome meeting you two and trying your fine cigars! Hope you enjoy the rest of your break before you return to the kids...

Nick, Jack and James.

  Nick Murray Jul 12, 2008 4:46 AM



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