Existing Member?

He only went out for some milk A blurb of monstrous proportions - it was only supposed to be a couple of lines and the odd photo.

Gallery: The Not So Bad Ocean Road

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 1 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Mansfield

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 30 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

What wouild i be like if i'd grown up here instead of the one in the UK?
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Mansfield: population 2550

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 28 Sep 2007 | Views [3226] | Comments [1]

I've entered the twilight zone; a one street surreal wonder of a place that's a far cry from the Mansfield i grew up in. The plan was to go horse riding and experience the true essence of the Snowy River man.  I should have learnt by now - this isn't ... Read more >

Gallery: Melbourne

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 28 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

It's been 7 days since i said i'm sorry...
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Melbourne Madness

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 26 Sep 2007 | Views [2165]

I can see why there's a perceived competition between Sydney and Melbourne, they're both great cities so it's a tough call as to who is better.  After three separate visits, and one week of staying here my vote goes to Melbourne.  I just found the city ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 22 Sep 2007 | Views [1312]

I've got a 3 bed room to myself, a half drunk of surprisingly bad Peter Lehman Shiraz, a huge bag of Cadbury chocolate and a little pair of speakers pumping out nothing but pure emotions. My friendly host for the last 2 weeks has got on with her life ... Read more >

Tags: island, trekking, wildlife

Gallery: Tasmania

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 22 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

Terrific Tassi
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The Snowy Mountains

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 6 Sep 2007 | Views [8015] | Comments [1]

I read in a guide book that you'd be mad to come to Australia for the skiing...erm yeah.  I didn't go completely out of my way and to a lot more expense by flying into Sydney so that I'd catch the season...nooo, that would be stupid. A night of no sleep ... Read more >

Gallery: The Snowy Mountains

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 6 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

Home made Baileys cream and spaghetti bolognese.
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AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 2 Sep 2007 | Views [1039]

A new town like Milton Keynes, full of offices, no vibe like Sydney, created as the capitol to stop Melbourne and Sydney arguing - yup all true and i really like the place.  Wide streets, plenty of greenery, a fantastic lake, cycle lanes, a laid back ... Read more >

Gallery: Canberra

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 2 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

Can you kick it?
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AUSTRALIA | Friday, 31 Aug 2007 | Views [866] | Comments [1]

I take an overnight flight where they actually leave you alone to sleep - there's something to be said for the no frills, budget flight.  My body feels like it's still in Asia but my mind is most definitely here, and it's hyper.  I am incredibly excited ... Read more >

Gallery: Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 30 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

Hey this place is big!
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Australia - an itinerary!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 27 Aug 2007 | Views [981] | Comments [1]

Wow i have an itinerary for once. I also have aching feet and a cracking hangover as i write this. It seems Sydney has quite a good selection of pubs and people wanting to have a drink with you :-) I seem to have to have a plan, as i have so little ... Read more >

Adios Asia

INDONESIA | Monday, 27 Aug 2007 | Views [1152] | Comments [1]

I've been nearly 8 months in Asia, and yet I've barely scratched the surface.  This tiger has left deep impressions on my mind and soul.  Dragged over many a culture shock inducing bump, I think I've gradually learnt to tame the animal (editor: OK enough!)  ... Read more >

Tags: Conclusions?


INDONESIA | Sunday, 26 Aug 2007 | Views [2540] | Comments [1]

Bali is a small island with a large appetite.  If you're not careful it can swallow you whole before spitting out a financially poorer, but experience richer you.  This place seems to have everything: isolated bays to built up towns, hawkers to whores, ... Read more >

Tags: diving, island

Gallery: Bali

INDONESIA | Sunday, 26 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

A liitle piece of paradise?
See all 19 photos >>

Gunung bromo

INDONESIA | Monday, 20 Aug 2007 | Views [3538]

It's a 03:30 start, but i don't feel particularly tired considering I've only had about 2 hours sleep and nearly 12 hours of travelling.  What did i say about no more dawn starts!  This ones for an active volcano, not a mountain and I'm being driven, ... Read more >

Tags: volcano

Gallery: Mount Bromo

INDONESIA | Monday, 20 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

wow and ow
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Gallery: Yogjakarta

INDONESIA | Friday, 17 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

Unity in Diversity
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INDONESIA | Friday, 17 Aug 2007 | Views [1189]

It just keeps happening - yet again it's because I don't have a printout of my electronic ticket.  It's with calm bemusement and true English sarcasm that flies over heads that I explain why I haven't printed out my electronic ticket.  A passport, a ... Read more >

Tags: ruins


INDONESIA | Monday, 13 Aug 2007 | Views [1106]

I'm a millionaire!  Alas my million rupiah don't go that far and my 2006 copy of the lousy planet is well out of date.  I feel I paid a lot for one mosquito infested room in a seedy area of sleaze town - the rat in the room was thrown in for free.  Hawkers, ... Read more >

Gallery: Jakarta

INDONESIA | Sunday, 12 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

I didn't dare use my camera to take what would have been good shots...
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SINGAPORE | Saturday, 11 Aug 2007 | Views [1262]

What images does Singapore evoke for you?  Skyscrapers, cheap electronic goods, tiger beer, Raffles, a former British colony, a well placed island?  I had an 8 hour journey from KL to form an opinion.  Strict rules, clean, modern, diverse and just starting ... Read more >

Tags: island, wildlife

Gallery: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 11 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

Singa Singa Singa Singapore - loved it!
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one ruined t-shirt and one ruined pair of trousers.  cool.

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