I take an overnight flight where they actually leave you alone to sleep - there's something to be said for the no frills, budget flight. My body feels like it's still in Asia but my mind is most definitely here, and it's hyper. I am incredibly excited to be here. I feel a little overwhelmed. There's just so much to do and this place is BIG! I have an unusual culture shock on arrival. I can read street signs and they say things like Oxford street and Regent street, I'm not getting looked at all the time, gay men are openly kissing goodbye, there are proper pubs and there's no smoking in public places. Not to mention I'm wearing shoes and trousers again, and i can drink tap water - how weird is that! I'm in Chinatown and there are more Asians than not - except a lot of these have an Aussie accent. They must think I'm a moron when i speak...very...slowly.
For my first night i check into a reasonable hotel - i need to sleep. It makes me laugh that some Asian guys there can not understand why they can't get a receipt for storing their luggage. I'm used to it being the westerners who don't understand the crazy rules. I can't really use the term westerner anymore either. Yeah this is all strange - i never thought i would have culture shock going back to what is familiar.
I like the feel of this place, the layout, the parks, the buildings, the proximity to the water. I really like it here! Yesterday i ran around the city until my shoed feet hurt, and then only stopped for a quick one while i waited for the full lunar eclipse. 2 rugby playing '6 foot plus too much' guys (Alan and Brian) invite me to drink with them...how can i refuse. We get thrown out of the second pub and a verbal warning from the third. I say we - but you know what i mean. Brian makes my Aussie mate Jason seem quiet, and that's saying something. I think i had a good night - i can't say i remember all of it, or getting back to my hostel, or eating the kebab i seem to have left all over my clothes. I don't remember the eclipse either...
This place is expensive and so it's will be hostels most of the way. A lack of privacy, being woken at 5am by snoring, the lights being turned on, the door being slammed, someone having a party or having sex - and that's only the first couple of nights! I have a lot to look forward to - tourist sight seeing buses, ferries around the harbour, Starbucks and Subways, parks and museums, aquarium's and zoos, and of course bars and clubs - it's a great start to the next leg of the journey.