A new town like Milton Keynes, full of offices, no vibe like Sydney, created as the capitol to stop Melbourne and Sydney arguing - yup all true and i really like the place. Wide streets, plenty of greenery, a fantastic lake, cycle lanes, a laid back atmosphere, friendly people, the place where i watched the adorable film 'Once'. I'm not saying i would want to live here, I'm too young for that - retire maybe!
I'm only here for 2 nights - long enough for the sights. So i hire a bicycle for the day. It's another one of those that likes to try and kill me by its design - pedalling backwards applies the back brake, grrr (I do it often without meaning to) It's a chilly, but gloriously crisp spring day as i set out. I see the Museum of Australia, which is strangely the 2nd one I've visited, but it is fantastic. i have a nice look around the National Gallery which is cool, even though it contains modern art. It's a really pleasant day, the traffic is light, some of the architecture is great, and the people REALLY are friendly. In the evening i check out the nightlife. The cinema is good but full of oldies (which is fine by me), the restaurants are bustling and the local live band is awful...but hey you can't have everything.