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There are [46] photos and [10] stories about Philippines

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Subic Bay

Sunday, 16 Nov 2014 | Views [502]

SUBIC HAS GONE DOWNHILL SINCE 1992 when Mt. Pinatubu erupted and covered this part of Luzon with ash.  That's when the US Navy decided to close the base here, depriving thousands of swabbies of the Pacific fleet one of their favorite — and ... Read more >

For What It's Worth

Friday, 14 Nov 2014 | Views [450]

WHEN WE BEGAN OUR TRAVELS A COPY OF LONELY PLANET and a jar of peanut butter were all we needed to get around.  Not any more!  Well, peanut butter is still a staple, but Lonely Planet , once our bible, is now about as reliable as Cliff’... Read more >

Terraced Rice Paddies of Banaue

Thursday, 13 Nov 2014 | Views [2423]

THE WHS TERRACED RICE PADDIES MAY BE WORTH THE TRIP to Banaue but the birding isn’t.  Connie found a report from a birding trip to the area and decided it was worth a look.  As it turns out the birding was near Mt. Polis, 1 1 / ... Read more >

Overnight Bus to Banaue

Tuesday, 11 Nov 2014 | Views [793]

LOYAL FOLLOWERS OF THIS JOURNAL MAY REMEMBER our vow to avoid long-distance bus travel at all costs.  Sadly, a bus — an overnight bus at that — is the only way to get from Manila to Banaue and other places in northern Luzon.  To ... Read more >

Pitcher Plant Farm

Monday, 10 Nov 2014 | Views [1042]

THE BIRDING WASN’T ALL THAT WE HOPED but the three days that we spent in the hills of Mindanao at Pitcher Plant Farm was idyllic.  German Voelker and Janet, his Filippina wife, and their two kids have found a bit of paradise near Malaybalay ... Read more >

Cagayan de Oro

Thursday, 6 Nov 2014 | Views [449]

WHEN YOU HEAR ABOUT TROUBLE IN THE PHILIPPINES, they are probably talking about Mindanao.  But Zamboanga, where government forces and the MILF (no, not that MILF but the Moro Islamic Liberation Front) are still battling, is far from Cagayan de ... Read more >

Mactan and Olanga

Tuesday, 4 Nov 2014 | Views [520]

SINCE OUR CEBU PACIFIC FLIGHT FROM PALAWAN to Mindanao was stopping there anyway we decided to spend a few days on Cebu.  Actually we stayed on the tiny island of Mactan where the airport is located.  Vista Mar is a sprawling hotel that, except ... Read more >


Sunday, 2 Nov 2014 | Views [410]

IT WAS RAINING CATS AND DOGS when we arrived at Sabang on the other side of Palawan from Puerto Princessa.  The pool was dappled with raindrops and the ocean looked surly.  It didn’t bode well for a weekend at the Sheridan Beach Resort.... Read more >

Puerto Princesa

Friday, 31 Oct 2014 | Views [480]

READERS, BE WARNED!  IF YOU AREN'T INTERESTED in birds and birding feel free to skip ahead until December at the earliest.  We are in the Philippines, about as different from clean, quiet, affluent and courteous Japan as can be.  We haven't ... Read more >

Photos: Philippines

Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Photo Gallery

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