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There are [69] photos and [10] stories about Morocco

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Surviving Ramadan

Monday, 15 Jul 2013 | Views [593]

Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting from sunrise to sunset, falls inconveniently in July this year, when the days are longest.  Followers of “the one true faith” refrain from eating, smoking and drinking even water, which is especially ... Read more >


Saturday, 13 Jul 2013 | Views [530]

The bus from Essaouira to Marrakech was most definitely not the Marrakech Express that Crosby, Stills and Nash sang about.  It stopped for ever Abdel, Hassam and Fatima along the way and ended up taking four hot, non air-conditioned hours.  ... Read more >


Thursday, 11 Jul 2013 | Views [582]

Essaouira was one of those "because we're here" stops, with nothing really special to see.  In fact, compared to other places we visited, Essaouira is modern.  It was built in the 19th Century on a French plan so the medina is less of a maze.... Read more >


Wednesday, 10 Jul 2013 | Views [1257]

We’re spending a couple of days in Oualidia, which is on the way to Essaouira, which is on the way to Marrakech, which is . . .     Teamwork Oualidia is a tiny fishing village on the Atlantic, so tiny that there is no dock.... Read more >

Rabat and El Jadida

Monday, 8 Jul 2013 | Views [1010]

Train travel in Morocco is a giant step up from taking the bus.  Of course you pay more (especially for Premiere Classe) but the coaches are more comfortable and air-conditioned.  Schedules can be a bit of a mystery to non-French speakers but ... Read more >

Meknes and Volubilis

Sunday, 7 Jul 2013 | Views [762]

The tourist office in Meknes was closed on Friday afternoon - almost everything else was too, either because of the holy day or the heat - so we never found a map of the medina.  Rather than wander aimlessly we waited for the temperature to drop ... Read more >


Thursday, 4 Jul 2013 | Views [624]

We were glad to arrive at Fez after six hot and dusty hours on the bus from Tétouan.  The bus was better than a school bus – barely – with no air-con and the one-position seats.  But the splendor of the Riad des Remparts ... Read more >


Tuesday, 2 Jul 2013 | Views [858]

Tétouan, a mere hour bus ride over the Rif Mountains from Tangier, hasn’t yet been “discovered” by tourists.  It’s a place where real people live real lives, where the various souks in the medina serve the needs of ... Read more >

Photos: Morocco

Monday, 1 Jul 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Road to Morocco

Sunday, 30 Jun 2013 | Views [462]

For the first time in months Connie is seated to my left.  We’ve turned in the rental car and are traveling by bus through endless fields of sunflowers guarded by hundreds of wind turbines from Cadiz to Tarifa.  Passport control for ... Read more >

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Easter Island, 2012

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