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Expat Vagabonds "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness." Mark Twain


There are [167] photos and [14] stories about France

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Climbing the Family Tree

Friday, 2 Sep 2011 | Views [1051]

Nicole was researching the Mallo lineage when she ran into the first Lintz to marry into it.   On Thursday she took us to the towns where these ancestors of Connie and Ron’s (remember Ron?   This is all being done for him!) lived.   And died.... Read more >

J'aime Strasbourg!

Wednesday, 31 Aug 2011 | Views [928]

Strasbourg is fantastic.  It was named “capital of Europe” in 1945 and today houses several of the European Union ministries.   But it is first and foremost a medieval city with a rich and vibrant history.   It is also the center of Alsace, the northern ... Read more >

New Relatives

Monday, 29 Aug 2011 | Views [787]

Although “Cousin” Nicole and her husband, Thaddeus, didn’t know us from Adam and Eve, they met us at the Strasbourg station and drove us to their borrowed flat.   We will stay with them for three or four days while we are pinch-hitting for Connie’s brother ... Read more >

Joie de Vivre

Sunday, 28 Aug 2011 | Views [940]

We are in Nancy, a stopover on our way from Paris to Strasbourg, which is a story all its own that will unfold shortly.   We and spent the day wandering around this World Heritage town soaking up its “art nouveau” architecture, also known as ... Read more >

Photos: France: The Encore

Saturday, 27 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

Back in France (and a little bit of Germany)
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Of Chambres du Hote and Cathedrals: Our Final Days in France

Monday, 27 Jun 2011 | Views [1083]

We are in the final days of our clockwise circumnavigation of Paris by visiting several World Heritage sites a day.   It’s a lot of driving but we are having a great time.   First stop, Mont St. Michel.      ... Read more >

Normandy American Cemetery: An Emotional Day

Friday, 24 Jun 2011 | Views [1933]

“The battle belonged that morning to the thin, wet line of khaki  that dragged itself ashore on the channel coast of France.” General Omar M. Bradley   We all know the significance of ... Read more >

Barbizon and Chartres

Thursday, 23 Jun 2011 | Views [1624]

Barbizon is possibly the most pleasant village on the planet and with home prices beginning around a million euros (yes, I checked), it should be.   The Barbizon School of painting, created by John Constable in the late 1800s, took painting ... Read more >

Reims and Provins

Wednesday, 22 Jun 2011 | Views [1584]

No rooms in Paris so we are driving again.   Our chariot this time is a Peugeot 207 diesel, which is even smaller than the Fiat.   But it holds our luggage and should get 55 mpg.   Connie did a Magellanesque job of navigation through the streets ... Read more >

The Louvre

Tuesday, 21 Jun 2011 | Views [1018]

It would crass to make jokes about perhaps the greatest art collection in the world, wouldn’t it?   Something like, “Louvre – French for OMG, who are all these people?”   Or “Nobody goes to the Louvre anymore.   It’s too crowded!”   So I ... Read more >

Hotel Hop Scotch in Paris

Monday, 20 Jun 2011 | Views [971]

Sometimes you get lucky.   Sometimes you don’t! The train from Toulouse to Paris was 45 minutes late.   Which was lucky because SNCF, the French railroad, had no record of the ticket we bought online from Rail Europe, even though the cost ... Read more >

Life in a Fairy Tale - St. Martin de Vers

Saturday, 18 Jun 2011 | Views [1495]

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a fairy tale?   Alan and Diana, kindred spirits we met on the cruise, do just that.   They fell in love with St. Martin de Vers and bought a home there in 2004 and now split the year between ... Read more >

So Many Châteaux - So Little Time

Friday, 17 Jun 2011 | Views [1167]

If you don’t mind sharing sights with 30 or 40 formerly complete strangers, a tour is the sanest way to see Europe.   And your guide will fill your mind with interesting stories and copious dates that you are sure to forget.   But ... Read more >

Photos: France

Sunday, 12 Jun 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Connie and John at Machu Pichu

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