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Expat Vagabonds "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness." Mark Twain


There are [139] photos and [18] stories about Spain

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Art History 101: Altamira (and now Pech Merle)

Thursday, 9 Jun 2011 | Views [1929]

It’s only two kilometers from the bus stop in Santillana del Mar to the Altamira Museum and Cave but you arrive 20,000 years in the past.   Stone Age humans, cave men, occupied Altamira for 8,000 years and left behind drawings and polychrome ... Read more >

Oviedo: the City Lonely Planet Forgot

Wednesday, 8 Jun 2011 | Views [1792]

Lonely Planet doesn’t even mention Oviedo!   Probably because it doesn’t have a beach.   That’s too bad for Oviedo, but good for us.   It is the most livable place we have seen in Spain and we liked it even more than Leon, despite the ... Read more >

Photos: Spain (The North Coast)

Saturday, 4 Jun 2011 | Photo Gallery

From A Coruna to Bilbao
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Pilgrims' Progress

Friday, 3 Jun 2011 | Views [891]

Some come alone, others travel in organized groups, and most walk in twos and threes.   Some ride bikes but the majority are on foot.   They come from Spain and France, from England and Germany.   A few are from North America.   Some cover ... Read more >

Las Medulas and Lugo

Thursday, 2 Jun 2011 | Views [1371]

The Roman Empire covered a vast area from Turkey to Spain.  Two Romans sites, Las Medulas and Lugo, lie between Leon and Santiago de Compostela.   We decided on day trips to visit the sites: west from Leon for Las Medulas and east from Santiago for ... Read more >


Wednesday, 1 Jun 2011 | Views [826]

Leon is one of those places you like from the first moment.   The train station is just across the river from the city and when we couldn’t find a taxi we decided to walk towards the cathedral.    That’s when we began to ... Read more >

Vive La Differencia!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011 | Views [1108]

A friend recently asked us how Europe differs from the USA?   Well, this is what we have noticed so far – about Spain, at least.   We are now in Leon in the northern section and tonight it is really chilly.   It is also bright as day at 9 PM, ... Read more >

Burgos, Worth a Stop

Monday, 30 May 2011 | Views [997]

There is a town in northern Spain called Burgos that you probably haven’t heard of.   It is another stop on the Way of St. James pilgrimage and its cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.   The Spanish hero, El Cid, was stationed and is ... Read more >


Friday, 27 May 2011 | Views [1084]

The farther the train carried us from Barcelona, the more this felt like Spain.   Not Hemmingway’s Spain – that’s long gone – but the cityscape we had grown used to changed to fields of wheat, vegetables, grapes and fruit trees and small towns ... Read more >

Photos: Spain (Pamplona to Santiago de Compostela)

Thursday, 26 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

Along the Camino de Santiago - but we are not walking!
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The Great Gaudi Treasure Hunt

Wednesday, 25 May 2011 | Views [2024]

Antoni Gaudi is probably Barcelona’s favorite son and you can find many of his best creations here.  Some are famous and easy to find.  Others are more obscure.  But Connie has mapped out a strategy for us to see them all.   We could ... Read more >

Photos: Spain: The Great Gaudi Treasure Hunt

Sunday, 22 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

The works of Antoni Gaudi
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Salvador Dali's Art Isn't As Bad As It Looks!

Saturday, 21 May 2011 | Views [2037]

I have never been a big fan of Dali, despite the fact we own two signed prints by the Spanish surrealist.   Then again, I never saw a real sampling of his work.   Until today, that is. We took a train – actually several trains – to Figueres, ... Read more >


Thursday, 19 May 2011 | Views [879]

The metro station is just a short stroll from our hotel.   The station sparkled and the train to Estacio Espana arrived within minutes.   It was SRO with students heading to university, surprising in a town where people party until two even ... Read more >

Gaudi, Miro, and Picasso

Wednesday, 18 May 2011 | Views [998]

Antoni Gaudi is to Barcelona what Picasso is to Malaga.   Some of his most famous creations are here and Connie has mapped out a strategy for us to see them all. It felt good to be out walking, even if it was in a city.   La Ramblas, ... Read more >

Tags: art and culture

In Barcelona and Back On The Market

Sunday, 15 May 2011 | Views [732]

Last night we packed our bags, mostly with dirty clothing and attended the ritual final dinner.   We said our good-byes, exchanged email addresses and tipped our waiters and cabin attendant.   As “un-Connie and John” as the cruise has been, we ... Read more >

Photos: Spain (Malaga to Barcelona)

Friday, 13 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

Malaga to Barcelona
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Malaga, Spain

Friday, 13 May 2011 | Views [1583]

We could see the lights of Morocco as we passed through the Straits of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean around 11 last night but we were on the wrong side of the boat to see Gibraltar and we were too sleepy to go topside.   When we awoke we ... Read more >

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Connie and John at Machu Pichu

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