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Expat Vagabonds "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness." Mark Twain


There are [121] photos and [14] stories about Greece

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The Dalmatian Pelicans of Prespa

Saturday, 1 Oct 2011 | Views [1663]

We went to Pesca Lakes to see the Dalmatian pelicans.   And we found so much more.   Someone once said, “There is no there, there.”   They may have been talking about Prespa. You have to be careful driving here.  A wrong turn and you ... Read more >

Blame It On A Hermit

Friday, 30 Sep 2011 | Views [1095]

It always seems to start with a hermit - monasticism, that is.  Sometimes he sets up shop in a cave; other times it's on a hilltop.  The next thing you know, someone decides to build a monastery.  And another.  Then before the votive candles have melted ... Read more >

The Oracle at Delphi

Wednesday, 28 Sep 2011 | Views [1821]

Zeus, the story goes, released two eagles from different compass points.   Their paths crossed over the center of the world, Delphi.   Apollo soon took up residence there and Greeks (and later Romans, too) would journey to Delphi to receive ... Read more >

Temple of Apollo at Bassai

Monday, 26 Sep 2011 | Views [1361]

No, the circus hadn’t come to town.   In fact, there is no town.   A tent has covered the Temple of Apollo at Bassai for 15 years to protect it from frost and the elements while it is being restored.   This is the most remote sanctuary in mainland ... Read more >

Ancient Olympia

Sunday, 25 Sep 2011 | Views [1128]

Olympia is extremely quiet today.   It is the end of the tourist season.   The cats that wander from one restaurant to the next meowing for handouts will have to find a new con when they close next week for the season. All of the archeological ... Read more >


Friday, 23 Sep 2011 | Views [1809]

Or Sparti, or ∑πAPTI, was the main rival to Athens in antiquity.   The two cities could hardly be more different.   Athens lies on the Aegean Sea in Attica, Sparta sits high in the Peloponnesian hills.   Athens was the preeminent naval power ... Read more >

Around Korinthos

Wednesday, 21 Sep 2011 | Views [1271]

There is a lot to see in the Peloponnese and the town of Corinth, or Korinthos, makes a good base.   Ancient Corinth is just a short ride away, but surprisingly, it is Roman, not Greek.   The Romans destroyed it in 146 BC and Julius Caesar rebuilt ... Read more >

On the Loose in Greece

Monday, 19 Sep 2011 | Views [2145]

Singing from the Sunday service at the cathedral stirred me awake and the carillon that followed made me jump out of bed.   We wanted an early start to complete our coursework in Greek history at the National Historical Museum and ... Read more >

Faces in the Crowd?

Sunday, 18 Sep 2011 | Views [808]

We have visited with a lot of people on our journey – old friends and new.   Our reunion with Richard, Kara, Chris and Rose, who we knew from Uganda, had been in the works for a while.   We stayed a few days in France with Allan and Diana, ... Read more >

A View From the Agora

Saturday, 17 Sep 2011 | Views [1784]

The Acropolis is what Connie calls a “triple-header.”   It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, listed in 1000 Places to See Before You Die , and was nominee for the “7 New Wonders of the World.”   That is a lot for ... Read more >

Athens: A Commentary

Thursday, 15 Sep 2011 | Views [1940]

The aforementioned taxi strike is over.   The trash bags that spilled over the sidewalk and into the street are gone.    You can drink the water but you can't flush your toilet paper.  Riot police are still around, dressed if not ... Read more >

Greece is the Word

Tuesday, 13 Sep 2011 | Views [1134]

Suddenly it’s summer.   After four cold months in Europe, we are wearing shorts.   Oh, yeah, we are in Athens! It is surreal being in Greece.   Gone is the beauty of France, the orderliness of Germany and the familiarity of England.... Read more >

Photos: Greece

Tuesday, 13 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Schengen: The Good and The Bad

Monday, 12 Sep 2011 | Views [2762]

The Schengen Accords are great if you live in the European Union.  Now you can travel freely - even move from one country to another - without hassle.  If you live in Estonia, for example, now you can move to France and get a job. But it's different ... Read more >

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Connie and John at Machu Pichu

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