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Expat Vagabonds "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness." Mark Twain

Trip: The World

There are [368] stories from my trip: The World

Vagabonds Too

ARGENTINA | Monday, 31 Dec 2012 | Views [2525]

To paraphrase the Car Guys on National Pubic Radio, "Well, you've frittered away another year" following our exploits.  World Nomads says we have exceeded our photo limit (Quelle surprise!) so we have had to create a new site; journals.worldnomads.... Read more >

Easter Island

CHILE | Thursday, 27 Dec 2012 | Views [4655]

Easter Island (Isla Pasqua in Spanish) is also known as Rapa Nui in the local language.  It is the most remote inhabited island in the world, 2200 miles in the Pacific from mainland Chile and 2600 miles from Tahiti.  Surprisingly, Rapa Nui ... Read more >

Easter Island Christmas Present

CHILE | Wednesday, 26 Dec 2012 | Views [2215]

Flying to Easter Island on Christmas Day is a bit – I don’t know – ironic?  It also seemed strange that the flight took us first from Santiago to Lima but who’s to complain?  It was the cheapest flight we could find ... Read more >


CHILE | Sunday, 23 Dec 2012 | Views [1820]

The 90-minute bus ride from Santiago showed us a gentler side of Chile.  We haven't compared its wines to those of Argentina but the vineyards are more pleasing to the eye.  The landscape looks very California.  Small farmhouses with orange ... Read more >

Photos: Chile

CHILE | Saturday, 22 Dec 2012 | Photo Gallery

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CHILE | Friday, 21 Dec 2012 | Views [2412]

Anconagua, South America's highest mountain, towered over the vineyards of Mendoza as our bus lumbered towards the mountains.  Yeah, we thought we had sworn off bus trips, too, but this one is relatively short, only eight hours, including two hours ... Read more >

Bariloche to Mendoza

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 20 Dec 2012 | Views [2004]

We were both sick for most of our five days in Bariloche, nothing serious, just nausea and over-all blahness.  I didn't eat a thing for two days.  It might have been delayed effects from the scopolomine.  Or it could have had something ... Read more >

Back on Terra Firma

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 11 Dec 2012 | Views [2084]

El Calafate is 30-something hours from Ushuaia by bus but only an hour and a half on Aerolineas Argentinas for just a few pesos more.  But we suspect "aerolineas" is Spanish for "chaos."  There is no adult supervision at the gates, no visible ... Read more >

Photos: El Calafate to Mendoza

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 11 Dec 2012 | Photo Gallery

See all 11 photos >>

The Drake Passage

ANTARCTICA | Saturday, 8 Dec 2012 | Views [1765]

Everyone onboard - at least anyone with a shred of common sense - was dreading the infamously violent crossing of the Drake Passage where seas of 30 and even 50 feet are not unheard of and the mariner's prayer "Lord your ocean is so big and our boat ... Read more >

Antarctica At Last!

ANTARCTICA | Wednesday, 5 Dec 2012 | Views [2655]

The Vavilov anchored in Charlotte Bay, just offshore from the actual Antarctic Peninsula.  While we were waiting for the Zodiacs, Noah spotted an immature emperor penguin, very rare at this latitude, as far south as we will get, 64 o 30’... Read more >

Deception Island

ANTARCTICA | Monday, 3 Dec 2012 | Views [1984]

Timing was critical in boarding the Zodiacs yesterday as they bounced unpredictably on the heavy swells and a misstep would result in an icy bath.  Salt spray mixed with snow as we motored along the shoreline glaciers, threading our way among blue ... Read more >

60 Degrees South

ANTARCTICA | Saturday, 1 Dec 2012 | Views [2470]

We have been sailing for two days on a blissfully calm sea.  At 7:17 yesterday evening we crossed an imaginary line, 60 o South latitude, and entered the area of Antarctica.  There was nothing but white caps in the empty sea to mark the occasion ... Read more >


ANTARCTICA | Tuesday, 27 Nov 2012 | Views [1883]

Today was a reverse of Monday on South Georgia Island, sunny in the morning and winter in the afternoon.  It was early in the season for so much glacial ice in Hercules Bay but it made for nice kayaking and Zodiac cruising.  We took advantage ... Read more >

King Penguins Up the Wazoo

SOUTH GEORGIA AND SANDWICH ISLANDS | Monday, 26 Nov 2012 | Views [2282]

Though we’ve been on board for nearly a week and sailed more than 1000 miles, our trip actually began today.  Of the 30,000 people who visit Antarctica each year fewer than 7000 come to South Georgia Island.  Their loss.  And to ... Read more >

The Falkland Islands

FALKLAND ISLANDS | Friday, 23 Nov 2012 | Views [2739]

It took take nearly 36 hours to reach Stanley in the Malvinas, the Argentine’s name for the Falklands.  The Vavilov has been rockin’ and rollin’ (mostly rollin’) in the windswept seas.  It’s cold on deck despite ... Read more >

The Waiting Game

ANTARCTICA | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2012 | Views [1847]

The strike is over and our provisions will be loaded by noon.  It was decided – without a vote by the passengers – to wait for the folks who were marooned at the BA airport to catch up.  Some would arrive around lunchtime, the rest ... Read more >

Photos: The White Continent

ANTARCTICA | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2012 | Photo Gallery

Falklands, S. Georgia and Antarctica
See all 78 photos >>

Labor Issues

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 20 Nov 2012 | Views [1879]

The lobby of Hotel Albatross was a beehive of activity when we arrived this morning.  Those returning from Antarctica had just learned of the strike and were scrambling for new flights and competing for hotel rooms.  We were feeling pretty ... Read more >

Out of Touch

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 20 Nov 2012 | Views [2082]

Visiting Antarctica, a dream of ours for years, is about to become a reality.  Our ship, Akademik Sergey Vavilov , sails today and we will be out of touch until December 8 th .  Like astronauts on the far side of the moon, we will have no ... Read more >

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Connie and John at Machu Pichu

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