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Stowing Away I stood between two facing mirrors & almost caught a glimpse of infinity, but my bloody head kept getting in the way

Trip: Middle Easty

There are [27] stories from my trip: Middle Easty

Photos: Various pics from my travels

WORLDWIDE | Thursday, 29 Jul 2010 | Flickr Photo Gallery

Assorted pics from my travels from my flickr account
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Tags: castles, easter island, flickr, ireland, palmyra, photos, plane wreck, vanuatu, wadi rum

Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 10 Feb 2002 | Views [3352] | Comments [2]

Hiya Everybody, Well, I'm back in sunny (not) Sydney after my latest jaunts through a couple of states. Firstly I went for a nice drive up the east coast to past Coffs Harbour, visiting numerous friends & relatives along the way (all conveniently ... Read more >

Tags: alice springs, ayers rock, kata tjuta, kings canyon, olgas, outback, rock art, rolf harris, sunscreem, uluru

Touring Tassie in Ten days

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 30 Jan 2002 | Views [1185]

Oh yes, I flew down to Tasmania for 10 days. Hopped on a sort of minibus tour with about 6 other backpackers & went around the island staying in youth hostels. Climbed cradle mountain, went to Port Arthur, wineglass bay, Marakoopa caves , Hobart ... Read more >

Tags: cradle mountain, marakoopa caves, port arthur, tasmania

Sydney is just a tad warmer than London

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 10 Jan 2002 | Views [1773] | Comments [5]

Hiya everyone, Well I'm back in Australia(for those who didn't already know this). I survived the chills of London and the multitude of customs inspections with my shoes, backpack, shish pipe and mandola intact. The tube train broke down on the way ... Read more >

Tags: customs, heathrow, home, mandola, rockstar, sydney

Back in Old Blighty

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 22 Dec 2001 | Views [2225] | Comments [2]

Departing Vienna for a slightly warmer England and it's straight down south to jolly Portsmouth by the sea. Land ahoy & shiver me timbers, there's some ye olde ships there like Nelson's flagship ‘Victory’ (surely I don't have to explain that one), ... Read more >

Tags: blighty, england, ironclad, mandola, merry christmas, portsmouth, victory

Travel broadens the behind

AUSTRIA | Tuesday, 11 Dec 2001 | Views [14994] | Comments [4]

'We walked in the cold air, freezing breath on the window pane, lying & waiting.... yadda yadda yadda..... Ahhh Vienna '. Oh well, it will make sense to 80's music junkies like me. Yep, I'm in Vienna, Austria. I'm having a bit of reverse culture ... Read more >

Tags: austria, chocolate, christmas, hot chocolate, snow, snow, travel broadens the behind, travel broadens the mind, ultravox, vienna

In search of the lost tomb of Tutankhelvis

EGYPT | Sunday, 2 Dec 2001 | Views [5604] | Comments [8]

Meanwhile, back in Aswan, Batman prepares to escape from the clutches of the dreaded tourist police jokers by leaping onto the BatBoat... Well, perhaps it wasn't quite the Batboat, but we did sail a Felucca (small single-masted sailboat) down the ... Read more >

Tags: aswan, cairo, egypt, felucca, nile, on the road, pyramids, sphinx, tomb, tutankhelvis

Photos: Egypt

EGYPT | Tuesday, 20 Nov 2001 | Photo Gallery

On the trail of Tutankhelvis...
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We got ourselves a Convoy...

EGYPT | Monday, 19 Nov 2001 | Views [3919] | Comments [4]

Then it was off to Wadi Rum , a desert region of sand dunes and impressive vertical rock mountains made famous by the exploits of Lawrence of Arabia, who used it as a base during WW1, and also lived there for some time after the end of the war. It wasn’... Read more >

Tags: abu simbel, bedouin, bedouin, cairo, egypt, lawrence of arabia, on the road, pyramids, ramses, wadi rum

Photos: Jordan

JORDAN | Saturday, 17 Nov 2001 | Photo Gallery

Overtaking Lawrence of Arabia with the help of a landrover
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The road to Damascus

SYRIA | Friday, 16 Nov 2001 | Views [6017] | Comments [1]

After camping a night in a disused rock quarry to evade the Turkish rangers (who aren't very keen on people camping by the roadside in the middle of nowhere), we crossed the border to Syria. Strangely, the soil changes colour from dusty grey to rich ... Read more >

Tags: b52s, crak des chevaliers, damascus, mesapotamia, on the road, palmyra, syria

Photos: Syria

SYRIA | Thursday, 15 Nov 2001 | Photo Gallery

Does growing a beard & wearing Nepalese trousers make you look like a local?
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Bath Time!

TURKEY | Friday, 2 Nov 2001 | Views [4696] | Comments [4]

Today we visited Cappadocia, a large area of amazing rock formations & underground cities carved straight out of the soft rock. One area we visited had 11 levels - 3 floors above ground carved into the cliff, and 8 levels below ground! A bit ... Read more >

Tags: bath, cappodocia, massage, relaxation, turkey, turkish massage, underground city

Photos: Turkey

TURKEY | Sunday, 28 Oct 2001 | Photo Gallery

Turkish delights
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Red sky at night, Turkish delight

TURKEY | Sunday, 28 Oct 2001 | Views [4313] | Comments [7]

We left Greece and after a long and annoying border check, we entered Turkey and drove to Instanbul. I had 3 days there to wander around and went to the Blue mosque and St Sofia and lots of museums (such as the archaeological museum, the museum of ... Read more >

Tags: anzac, belly dancers, blue mosque, food & eating, istanbul, olimpos, termessos, troy, turkey

Meteora monasteries

GREECE | Thursday, 25 Oct 2001 | Views [2182]

A 9 hr ferry ride took us to Greece. Greece was fun and we camped everywhere, being the only people in every camping site we went to. The weather is getting colder & there are very few tourists about which is fine by me - you get to see most sites ... Read more >

Tags: greece, james bond, meteora, monasteries

Photos: Italy & Greece

ITALY | Wednesday, 24 Oct 2001 | Photo Gallery

High speed through Italy & Greece
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Tags: greece, italy, leaning tower of piza, meteora, mt vesuvius, pompei, rome, ruins

Today is Tuesday so this must be...Rome?

ITALY | Tuesday, 23 Oct 2001 | Views [11466] | Comments [4]

Hang on, it's Wednesday.... so I'm in... (checks watch) .... well it's 4am in the morning in Sydney anyway (note to self: much change watch to local time, after finding out where I am & what day it is). I'm pretty sure I'm in Rome today, there ... Read more >

Tags: cistene chapel, colosseum, italy, piza, pizza, pompei, rome, sightseeing

Mt Everest aint so big...

NEPAL | Thursday, 11 Oct 2001 | Views [4600] | Comments [3]

Hi Everyone, I'm Back in Kathmandu, Nepal, after wandering up & down a few small hills to have a bit of a look at Mount Everest. Before that I did a week long trek to the Annapurna ranges (kinda at the other end of Nepal). It started at a fairly ... Read more >

Tags: annapurna, ballooning, chitwan, himalayas, kathmandu, mountains, mt everest, nepal, thanboche, trekking

Photos: Nepal

NEPAL | Thursday, 20 Sep 2001 | Photo Gallery

Trekking in the Annapurnas and on the path to Mt Everest
See all 37 photos >>

Tags: ballooning, durbar square, kathmandu, lukla, mt everest, nepal, stupa, thomba, trekking


NEPAL | Tuesday, 18 Sep 2001 | Views [2630] | Comments [2]

Hi All, Well I'm here in sunny Kathmandu, Nepal, about 28 degrees and not too humid (unlike Bangkok). It's nice here - like a big friendly village (except the airport which is surrounded by hundreds of touts & taxis to take you everywhere you ... Read more >

Tags: kathmandu, kathmandu valley, landslide, nepal, on the road, rafting, thamel, trekking

Thailand, Bangkok & the world trade towers

THAILAND | Thursday, 13 Sep 2001 | Views [2211] | Comments [1]

Well, I've said goodbye to Cambodia now, I quite enjoyed it, especially Angkor Wat & Preah Khan. After driving slowly for ages along the incredibly bumpy & potholed roads we eventually got to the border with Thailand at Poipet (a horrible yukky ... Read more >

Tags: 9/11, bangkok, border crossing, cnn, poipet, royal palace, thailand, tuk tuk, twin towers

Photos: Thailand

THAILAND | Wednesday, 12 Sep 2001 | Photo Gallery

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Cambodia: Communal update

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 9 Sep 2001 | Views [2795] | Comments [3]

Hi All, I'm in Siem Reap in Cambodia at the moment and have another day here before moving on towards Thailand. I went to Angkor Wat and other temples yesterday, the day before yesterday and yet again today. They are absolutely amazing, especially ... Read more >

Tags: angkor wat, bayon, cambodge, cambodia, monsoon, preah kahn, siem reap, ta prohm, tonle sap, wat

Photos: Angkor & Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Friday, 7 Sep 2001 | Photo Gallery

Angkor Wat & other temples around Cambodia
See all 25 photos >>

Tags: angkor wat, cambodia, fast boat, preah kahn, siem reap, tonle sap, wat

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