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Stowing Away I stood between two facing mirrors & almost caught a glimpse of infinity, but my bloody head kept getting in the way

Sydney is just a tad warmer than London

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 10 January 2002 | Views [1773] | Comments [5]

on the road again

on the road again

Hiya everyone,

Well I'm back in Australia(for those who didn't already know this).

I survived the chills of London and the multitude of customs inspections with my shoes, backpack, shish pipe and mandola intact.

The tube train broke down on the way to Heathrow and by the time I got to the airport my flight had already closed. Not to worry (too much...), I was rushed away through the airport via some secret shortcuts, my pack taken away from me (hopefully to see again in LA) and I was put on one of those little golf buggy mobiles and sped through the long corridors of Heathrow at very high speed, horn working overtime to herd those other pesky travellers out of the way. With the red light flashing, two uniformed men waving people out of the way and me perched on the back nursing my mandola case & daypack I possible looked like some grunge rock star, but had no time to fish out some dark sunnies to complete the look. I was the last person on the packed plane, but I made it.

12 hours flying to... a  7hr stopover in LA. mmmmm, nuff said.

On the LA to Sydney flight (14 hrs), the people in the two seats next to me didn't show up. So 3 seats to myself! I slept sprawled over them for 8 hours straight. Bliss!!! Nearly makes up for all the other hell flights on this trip.

Sydney's skies were as gray as London's, but much hotter. Yes, the bushfires were on the news overseas.

So here I am, at least temporarily. I'm feeling the call of some north coast beaches and then perhaps Ayers rock for a slight change of scene for a couple of weeks. Then perhaps it's looking for a new job and a new place of residence in good old Sydney.

So I guess this is the last of this series of my travel updates. I hope you enjoyed them.
Many thanks and Hi to all those I met on my travels, travelled with, put me up, put up with me, and took the time to write to me - I really appreciated it! Hopefully I can catch up with many of you now I'm back in Sydney.
I'll still be using this email address & blog, so... Write to me!!!

'Till next time,

Tags: customs, heathrow, home, mandola, rockstar, sydney




E baby

Thanks for the camel.. he has pride of place near my phone still!!

Great catching up the other night - your photos are definitely not boring!! always good not to have 10 shots of the same thing.

When are you off on your next adventure??
Are you moving back to the North Shore or heading somewhere a little more sophisticated??

Keep me posted. K

  Kate Jan 11, 2002 4:04 PM


Hey there,

glad to hear that your home safely sounds like you had a fantastic trip
its a bit hard to come home after all the excitement of travelling- i just got home this week and im in a bit of a culture shock- in my own country!

well thanks for all the e mails and keep in touch!

  Rebecca Jan 12, 2002 12:13 PM


Hallo again,

Hope the Sydney re-culture shock and all that it entails has not been too traumatic for you.
If you pass through blustery Melbourne (alright alright I didn't ask why you might do something like that, but stranger things have happened to people) be sure to say hi in person.
And what of Macchu Picchu and the great South Am continent? Saving something for later? Do tell if you find yourself heading the way of the Inca trail - you never know I might be in the vicinity to hook up for a a cerveza!

Caroline sent me some garbled email about losing your ph number and hence not being able to return your ph calls in London. Not sure if she was about to start her next high rollin exec career or head deep into the backpacking wilderness the temptations of both sounded like they were continuing to lure her.

Adios for now - the travelogues have been most entertaining.

  Tyrell Jan 14, 2002 11:24 AM





S T R A N G E R !


  Mark A Jan 14, 2002 8:44 PM


Enjoy being home... hope the post holiday depression
isn't too bad. I'm off to the big smoke (London) today.

See you in Oz soon
Ps Have loved your stories

  Wendy Jan 18, 2002 7:01 PM



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