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Stowing Away I stood between two facing mirrors & almost caught a glimpse of infinity, but my bloody head kept getting in the way

Trip: England

There are [5] stories from my trip: England

Photos: England

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 26 Mar 2006 | Photo Gallery

England in summertime
See all 44 photos >>

Arthurian Tales

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 26 Mar 2006 | Views [4007] | Comments [2]

So here I am, driving a tiny little gold-coloured hired Fiat Punto down south down the west coast of England... The Cornish coastline is really nice, so I took all the small back roads to follow the coastline down south towards Lands end. The roads ... Read more >

Tags: cornwall, dodgy brothers, england, king arthur, merlin, on the road, round table, tintagel, tree tunnel

Ask the Leyland Brothers!

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 21 Jul 2003 | Views [9989] | Comments [16]

G'day viewers, Mike & Mal Leyland here. We were hoping to be going travelling around our big beaut country of ours with our home movie camera and showing you, the people at home, just what it's like - so you don't actually have to go there yourself ... Read more >

Tags: bath, cheddar, cheese, england, grommit, leyland brothers, mike and mal, oxford, stonehenge, woodhenge

London via Japan

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 28 Jun 2003 | Views [1548] | Comments [5]

Hi Everybody, Well, i'm back in London yet again. Had an overnight stopover in Tokyo on the way here, so now i can say i've been to Japan too! From the air it seems to be covered with either rice paddies or golf courses ... Read more >

Tags: cambridge, cambridge, death by gardening, golf courses, london, madame tussauds, millennium wheel, sunburn, tokyo

Photos: Ireland

IRELAND | Saturday, 3 Sep 1994 | Photo Gallery

Cycling & wandering around the emerald isle
See all 13 photos >>

Tags: castle, cycling, dolmen, dublin, ireland, ring of kerry