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Stowing Away I stood between two facing mirrors & almost caught a glimpse of infinity, but my bloody head kept getting in the way


There are [58] photos and [5] stories about Chile

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Hanga Roa, Easter Island

Sunday, 14 May 2006 | Views [9171] | Comments [3]

The sun is out today, after another night of torrential rain. Ive been visiting the local markets & doing some souvineer shopping. Pretty much every single building sells tourist things of one shape or another. Hanga Roa is a small, sleepy town of ... Read more >

Tags: chile, easter island, moai, sightseeing

Photos: Easter Island

Tuesday, 9 May 2006 | Photo Gallery

Rapanui - The Navel of the World
See all 43 photos >>

Tags: ahu, birdman cult, chile, crater, easter island, hanga roa, moai, navel of the world, rapa nui, volcano

Easter Island

Tuesday, 9 May 2006 | Views [7602] | Comments [12]

Well if you can land the space shuttle on the runway here, it must have pretty good brakes! Running from one side of the narrowest part of the almost triangular Easter island, the airport is wedged between 2 volcanoes at its sides and the sea at each ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, chile, easter island, moai, motorscooter, rano kau, rapa nui, space shuttle, stowaway, volcanoes

Photos: Santiago

Sunday, 7 May 2006 | Photo Gallery

Heave 'er up and away we'll go, heave away, Santiago.
See all 15 photos >>

Santiago Smog

Saturday, 6 May 2006 | Views [6489] | Comments [7]

Hiya all, Well here i am in Santiago, smog capital of Chile. The smog is so thick you can only really see about 5 blocks. Santiago is right next to the Andes mountains to the west, (which you can just make out some of the top outline of it, if you ... Read more >

Tags: chile, on the road, santiago, smog



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