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Stowing Away I stood between two facing mirrors & almost caught a glimpse of infinity, but my bloody head kept getting in the way


There is [1] photo and [3] stories tagged with "sydney".

Photos: Ambassador Van

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 11 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

On the road from Sydney to Melbourne in the World Nomads Ambassador Van
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Tags: ambassador van, road trip, sydney

Going Nomadic!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 10 Jan 2007 | Views [2081] | Comments [1]

Well, we've picked up the World Nomads Ambassador Van, and have taken it for a quick spin around sunny Sydney before we head off into the unknown. We have to drop the van off in Melbourne, but we will decide our path to get there as we go. Canberra ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, australia, harbour bridge, stowaway, sydney, world nomads

Sydney is just a tad warmer than London

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 10 Jan 2002 | Views [1773] | Comments [5]

Hiya everyone, Well I'm back in Australia(for those who didn't already know this). I survived the chills of London and the multitude of customs inspections with my shoes, backpack, shish pipe and mandola intact. The tube train broke down on the way ... Read more >

Tags: customs, heathrow, home, mandola, rockstar, sydney

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