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Stowing Away I stood between two facing mirrors & almost caught a glimpse of infinity, but my bloody head kept getting in the way


There are [16] photos and [2] stories tagged with "turkey".

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Bath Time!

TURKEY | Friday, 2 Nov 2001 | Views [4696] | Comments [4]

Today we visited Cappadocia, a large area of amazing rock formations & underground cities carved straight out of the soft rock. One area we visited had 11 levels - 3 floors above ground carved into the cliff, and 8 levels below ground! A bit ... Read more >

Tags: bath, cappodocia, massage, relaxation, turkey, turkish massage, underground city

Red sky at night, Turkish delight

TURKEY | Sunday, 28 Oct 2001 | Views [4313] | Comments [7]

We left Greece and after a long and annoying border check, we entered Turkey and drove to Instanbul. I had 3 days there to wander around and went to the Blue mosque and St Sofia and lots of museums (such as the archaeological museum, the museum of ... Read more >

Tags: anzac, belly dancers, blue mosque, food & eating, istanbul, olimpos, termessos, troy, turkey

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