Orient Hotel - what a fabulous place. Stayed up till 4 talking and feel deathly. Jobs today: 1.Work out schedule for leaving before visa ends. 2.Post Office to send presents home. 3.Internet. 4. Shower. Not necessary for hygeine particularly but only way to cool down. Must be 40. Breakfast with Ruthie and Rog from Switzerland. Walked round to the Post Office, forgetting it is Friday so eevrywhere shut. Pottered up and down for a bit then nap until woked to change room, please, which I do for a coffee and a reduction in rate.
Dinner with Ruthie and Rog and a Persian couple. I asked to take her photo as it is another of those beautiful Persian faces and apologised to her husband for not taking him. he laughed and said his beauty is all inside. he is an architect who goes out to an empty bit of Iran and builds in his mind. Bed and not before time.