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Moving again...

GERMANY | Monday, 18 Jun 2012 | Views [513]

Sorry guys I'm moving this thing (is it a blog, open diary or just random ramblings??) to http://dirtysmellyandtravelling.wordpress.com/ It will be a trial until my mother complains about being able to read it, and this one will exist until I stop procrastinating and ... Read more >

Photos: Spain I

SPAIN | Monday, 14 May 2012 | Photo Gallery

First six weeks in Spain in March/April with Jess
See all 59 photos >>

Photos: France

FRANCE | Sunday, 13 May 2012 | Photo Gallery

France in January/February. Freezing my but of with Jess
See all 48 photos >>

Photos: Belgium and Holland

BELGIUM | Tuesday, 8 May 2012 | Photo Gallery

The cold north in January
See all 12 photos >>


PORTUGAL | Monday, 7 May 2012 | Views [398]

So finally Jess and I have started to manage all the photo she takes. Before Portugal and that's a month ago we had almost 2500(!) pictures from our travels together. I have divided them up by country and tagged them with different things (try holy for ... Read more >

Tags: help x, portugal

Photos: Italy

ITALY | Monday, 7 May 2012 | Photo Gallery

Pictures from September/October 2011 with Jess in south of Italy and Sicily.
See all 35 photos >>

Off-the-beaten-track travelling... Or not?!

PORTUGAL | Wednesday, 2 May 2012 | Views [639]

I will postulate that there is no off the beaten path! Everything have been done, seen and eaten. But travelling should not be about being the most special and innovative traveller the world have seen, it is about finding the way that you personally ... Read more >

Tags: portugal, sintra

France - Foie gras, frog legs, burlesque and all that jazz.

FRANCE | Friday, 30 Mar 2012 | Views [1381]

Yes this is a little late - we have been in Spain for a month or so now. But better late than never, I guess.. We have spent about a month in France - one week in Paris, a few days in Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Montpellier and Marseille. And it was fantastic! ... Read more >

Tags: cuisine, france, paris

Couchsurfing - first bad/crazy experience.

FRANCE | Wednesday, 22 Feb 2012 | Views [7697] | Comments [2]

I love couchsurfing! Really I do. Usually people are nice. No you don't always have a connection with them, but you can still have a nice together and enjoy the views into another culture and way of life. Once in a while you meet special people that ... Read more >

Tags: bordeaux, crazy guy

Travelling with Jess again

FRANCE | Friday, 3 Feb 2012 | Views [717] | Comments [1]

20th January I met up with Jess again for some more traveling. We met up in Lyon and had an amazing weekend just laughing and eating. Our host the was spectacular! His motto was : if you are happy I am happy. Meaning feeding us until explosion point.... Read more >

Tags: amsterdam, jess, paris

An homage to people

GERMANY | Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012 | Views [857] | Comments [2]

This little piece will just be an homage to all the amazing people I have met on my way. The people stopping in the middle of roundabouts, in the twillight, on service stations in the middle of the night for a possibly tired, extremely dirty (at points ... Read more >

A bit from everyday life on the road

DENMARK | Monday, 2 Jan 2012 | Views [381]

Hitchhiking is by now the normality for my and my everyday life. It takes some time to get used to this change and the changes in my behavior and norms it have brought with it. Of course everybody tells lie once in a while, but for my it is usually ... Read more >

Great people in Europe

GREECE | Friday, 2 Dec 2011 | Views [737]

A great many people, besides my mother, are worried about me going around big and dangerous Europe all alone. I will now give a few examples of why you should worry less. First a very short story from last hitchhiking trip (Githio to Kardamyli over ... Read more >

Safely in Greece

GREECE | Wednesday, 16 Nov 2011 | Views [486]

I am in Greece for the moment. So far I have been here for a week and most likely I will stay for three or four more. Until 25/26th here in Githio on Peloponnese where I have my own apartment and food through in exchange for around three hours of work ... Read more >

Tags: greece

Bit of this and bit of that

ROMANIA | Tuesday, 1 Nov 2011 | Views [307]

I left Subotica saturday for Timisoara, Romania, which is only around 200km. But it was not a good day. The short version is a few good rides to Szeged, Hungary where I make a crucial (wanted to use that word sooo bad:) decision: to get off at the on-... Read more >

Tags: fined, timisoara

Crazyness is back!

SERBIA | Friday, 28 Oct 2011 | Views [266]

I made it back to Serbia for the third time on this trip! This time to Subotica. Tomorrow or today I will meet my crazy french guy and go to Romania. My drivers from Berlin to Bremen on to Praha and here have almost all been halfway madmen, or maybe ... Read more >

Sorry no photos!

GERMANY | Monday, 24 Oct 2011 | Views [323]

Sorry guys there is not coming any photos on here, because my camera broke in Sarajevo, and I'm not getting a new one. In the end I don't really want to bother with taking pictures. If my mother or brothers can send me the few pictures from the first ... Read more >

Tags: crazyness and india, ian

Brief update

GERMANY | Friday, 21 Oct 2011 | Views [323]

Well at the moment I'm at my good friends, Juliane, place in Bremen for some days figuring out where to go. Which is a really hard decision! It's getting verycold up here and I will go south but east or west is the big dilemma. If I go west I have France, ... Read more >

Tags: family visit, future travels


ITALY | Friday, 7 Oct 2011 | Views [372] | Comments [1]

I wanted to write earlier, but life in Sicilia and Calabria was just too sweet. The plan was, as some of you know, to go to Moldovia and work in a hostel for 3 weeks. But Italia and a cous cous festival came in the way. And honestly I prefer 30 degrees ... Read more >

Tags: italia

Crazy french guys giving a 1000 km ride

ITALY | Thursday, 8 Sep 2011 | Views [408]

I'm now in fantastic Italy (and yes I say this about almost every country I enter). Since last I spend a few days in Novi Sad, with vegetarian bbqs, half a year late Eurovision celebration and lots og beer. Also I was the first to vote on the Danish ... Read more >

How to bribe a border police in Serbia.

SERBIA | Tuesday, 30 Aug 2011 | Views [982]

I just come back to Nis, Serbia after a weekend stint in Sofia with my (couchsurfing) friend Maria. On the way back crossing the Bulgarian and Serbian border I see me first actual bribing, all I hear about the police in this region is how corrupt they ... Read more >

Hitching to Sziget

HUNGARY | Wednesday, 17 Aug 2011 | Views [434]

Sorry for the waiting, but been around too many great people to be bother with writing in here. So far my rides have been brilliant, except one! Going from Krakow to Budapest was surprisingly difficult, and it was raining almost all day. I don't mind ... Read more >

Tags: lost in slovakia

So far so very good.

POLAND | Friday, 5 Aug 2011 | Views [483]

Finally some time to write a bit about my adventure, and can't really figure out where to start. An apology for the broken, danglified english, sometimes homemade words and the lack of proofreading! Hitchhiking is the easiest and most entertaining ... Read more >

SHORT update

LITHUANIA | Tuesday, 2 Aug 2011 | Views [382]

Hi everybody, From now on it's going to be english. This only a short update from Vilnius, I will try to  write more soon when I have time and opportunity. So far everything is great and I am far from harms way in the Baltics. Tomorrow a week in ... Read more >

About mettesv

Eating chocolate and biscuits at a metro station in Bilbao, while we waited for our host

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