ISABELLE WAS WAITING AT THE PIER when Majestic Princess docked in Noumea. Even though we hadn't actually booked a trip with her company, Caledonia Birds, she took a chance that it was us by John’s outsized camera and Connie’s binoculars. Did we still want to go birding on Grande Terre? A quick stop at the ATM for cash to pay her and just like that, we were off in her new Hyundai van. This would be Connie’s birthday surprise.

Happy Birthday, Connie from Majestic Princess

Goliath Pigeon

New Caledonia Cuckooshrike
It took two hours to reach Blue River Provincial Part where most of Connie’s target species “might” be found. By then we learned Isabelle has aFrench father and Vietnamese mother, has a PhD from University of New Caledonia—go Kagus!—and started guiding post-Covid. Her husband is a programmer with a flexible schedule that lets him watch their son during her busy season.

Coconut Lorikeet

Ohmygod, a Crow Honeyeater
By the end of our short day—the last shuttle bus left at 4PM—we had seen or heard all but one of the birds on Connie’s list, plus a few surprises. In fact when we saw both the endemic Red-throated Parrotbill and the Crow Honeyeater, Isabelle screamed “Ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” giving us the idea that she really didn’t expect to see them. Unfortunately I missed a photo of the Parrotbill and the Crow Honeyeater wasn’t one of my best. I did manage to track down a Kagu, the official bird of New Caledonia.

Yellow-bellied Flyrobin

Southern Shrikebill

Kagu, the Official Bird of New Caledonia
Despite a sudden deluge we made it back to the ship in plenty of time to celebrate with a Coke Zero. This was the best and most unexpected day of the cruise!