BATEMAN’S BAY IS ABOUT HALFWAY BETWEEN Mallacoota and Sydney. It also happens to be about the only place along the South Coast with halfway affordable lodging at this time of year. Our AirBnB is a bit shabby but works as a base for exploring South Durras Beach where Little Terns had been reported.

South Durras Beach

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, S. Durras Beach
South Durras Beach is that slice of Paradise we have all been dreaming about. For a million bucks or so you can have a comfortable home among towering eucalyptus trees just a few steps from an absolutely beautiful beach. Kangaroos and Black Cockatoos, too. But no Little Terns, at least today.

One of 225 in New South Wales

Misty Murramarang Morning
Australia boasts 650 national parks, more than any other country, and 225 of them are here in New South Wales. Many, like Murramarang National Park, aren’t much more than a sign and a rutted dirt road or two. With the dodgy weather we’ve been having I was hesitant about driving into Murramarang but we gave it a go for five klicks. There was a lot of birdsong, mostly Whistlers, but the mist made for difficult birding.

White-headed Pigeon

Satin Bowerbird (f)

Pacific Koel
Connie did much better on her AM walks around Bateman’s Bay; White-Headed Pigeon, Satin Bowerbird and a pair of Pacific Koel.