WE HAVE HAD A CHANCE TO MEET SOME OF our neighbors here in Colorado. A wiley coyote patrols the meadow behind our AirBnB (the same one we rented last year) and a great horned owl has claimed a lookout in a nearby cottonwood. And above us all towers the "Purple Mountains Majesty of Pike's Peak.
The neighborhood Bad Boy
Every neigborhood has a Wise Guy
Swainson's Hawk
Black-headed Grosbeak
Connie has counted more than 40 bird species on her morning hikes, most notably the Black-headed Grosbeak, Swainson’s Hawk and American Goldfinch among the more common and lackluster.
Membership has its Privileges
Lilacs in Bloom
Yellow Iris
Japanese Garden, perfect for meditation
The Nature Conservancy hosted a “do” at the Denver Botanic Garden recently and as Legacy Members, we received invites. We arrived early enough to wander in the Garden, a regular pastime when we actually lived in Colorado. It’s still too early in the season to see the place in its summer glory but the lilacs and irises were out in force. Even without the Weeping Willow (which went down in a storm 20+ years ago) the Japanese Garden is still my favorite spot.