THERE IS NEVER A LACK OF THINGS to do when you are with Connie, especially if there are birds around. Recent sightings posted on E-Bird led us to Finca Sol Real whose trails are popular with hikers and runners—and birds, too. We spotted a flock of Greenfinches, several European Stonechats and a Thekla’s Lark before we heard the warblers. Sardinian Warblers as it turned out, cousins of our target. But the trails were so nice we didn’t have any qualms about returning another day.
Finca Sol Real, popular with hikers, runners . . . and Birds
European Stonechat
Thekla's Lark
We arrived earlier this time. It was chilly and the birds were silent. Smoke from a burn piles filled the air and we weren’t overly optimistic. We wandered off the main trail through the morning dew and Connie played a number from her bird call repertoire. Evidently it hit the right chord and a Balearic Warbler replied. Then a second. I raised my camera as they flitted nearer and nearer and was able to get several good shots, including the trademark red eye. Another “lifer” for Connie.
Sardinian Warbler, close but no cigar!
Balearic Warbler, a "lifer" for Connie
The Spotted Crake was easier to find—once we located the site where they had been seen, that is. It wasn’t far from the main road but it wasn’t well-signed, either. We soon ran into Tom, whose E-Bird posts had alerted Connie to the site, and he directed us to the well-hidden bird hide. Mr. Crake obliged almost at once. After playing peek-a-boo in the reeds he emerged fully and even swam a bit before poofing away.
A lucky sighting—Spotted Crake
Spotted Crake ready to swim away
The Reserva Natural de l’Aldufereta is another birding hotspot. It encompasses an extensive wetlands with several entry points which was confusing both of our SatNavs so we followed google maps to a likely looking pond. It wasn’t where we wanted to be but there were tons of ducks, several grebes and a pair of beautiful Red-crested Pochards and a colorful European Goldfinch.
Red-crested Pochards
European Goldfinch, common but cute
Greater Flamingo
We drove back to another likely looking entry to the Reserve. While I parked the car Connie played the call of the seldom-seen Jack Snipe. One replied with a chirping sound only a birder with good hearing who was listening for it would notice. It replied several times then must have buried deeper into the reeds. We climbed a viewing tower for a look at the ducks and flamingos then walked for a mile along the trail with nothing to show but a few Marsh Harriers and several little-brown-jobs, probably cisticolas.