ALGULHUS NEGRAS NATIONAL PARK has some of the highest peaks in southern Brazil. The drive took us up to 7000 feet elevation on a truly terrible road several hours from Hotel do Ypâ and required a 4WD, not our luxury van. We crammed into the only vehicle available, a decades-old Toyota 4-seater pickup. It wasn’t until we were on the way down—constantly in 1st gear—that we learned it had no brakes!
The Great Cotinga Search
The View from 7000 feet elevation
Surucca Trogon, stand-in for Gray-winged Cotinga
We had literally risked life and limb to look for more frustrating ant-shrikes! We substituted a Surucua Trogan for one of our other targets, the extremely shy Gray-winged Cotinga, but got a good look at his more obliging Black and Gold Cotinga cousin As the trip goes on, the birding becomes more difficult and the habitats more challenging. To say hiking back up the mountain road was a bitch is an understatement.
Brassy-breasted Tanager
Gilt-edged Tanager
Golden-rumped Euphonia
Our final stop was at a rocky scenic overlook, not a particularly birdy-looking place. But one never knows. A mixed flock of some of the most colorful tanagers flew in along with a Golden-rumped Euphonia adding amazing color to the scenery.