SOME WOULD CALL IT INSANITY, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But sometimes perseverance pays off. You may question the sanity of us birders—even we ourselves admit to a certain amount of quirkiness. After all, who else spends $1000 on binoculars—even more on photo gear and travel—for the opportunity to arise hours before dawn and stand outside in all kinds of weather for the chance to see a few birds?
Purple Martin
Louisiana Water Thrush
But hope reigns eternal so we packed up and left the cottage at 6:30 Saturday for a final visit to Sabine Woods. We were rewarded on our last day in Texas with perfect weather, limited mosquitoes and cooperative birds.
Black-throated Green Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
In five hours we saw 45 species including yellow-billed cuckoo, Louisiana water-thrush, purple martin, wood thrush, green heron and a dozen warblers including yellow-throated, black-throated green and hooded.
Swainson's Warbler
And after countless attempts John finally got an in-focus photo of the Swainson’s warbler, among the most camera-shy if not the most photogenic warbler.