TOMBSTONE—THE NAME BRINGS VISIONS of gunfights on dusty streets, saloons with wooden sidewalks, whisky and whores, Doc Holliday and the Earp brothers and a cast of seedy characters from the old West.
Rebuilt just like the original
Big Nose Kate'sz; One-stop Shopping for Food, Booze and Ladies of the Evening
The saloons and wooden sidewalks are still there, sort of. The original town burned to the ground—twice. The gunfights are staged at 11:00, 1:00 and 3:00PM and most of the sleazy characters are tourists from places like Des Moines looking for a stagecoach ride. The authentic Wild West folks are locals who give Tombstone its ambiance. (Connie’s Uncle Ken was once a gun-slinger in the shoot outs and spent time-off with one of Tombstone’s “ladies of negotiable affections.”)
Locals living out their dream
Up to no good!
There's a new Sherif in Tombstone
The cold wind blowing down the main street had no noticeable effect on the Harley crowd or the tour group in shorts and tank tops—perhaps their saloon-hopping helped fortify them.
Corn Bread ad Chili
We opted for an early lunch; spicy chili and steaming cornbread, the perfect, if not authentic, meal for the Wild West.