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The Pyramids of Giza

EGYPT | Tuesday, 7 December 2021 | Views [192]

Classic view of three pyramids and the Sphinx

Classic view of three pyramids and the Sphinx

THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZA are the only members of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that remain. Despite the recurring tabloid stories the pyramids were not built by Aliens! According to Herodotus the Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) took one hundred thousand men twenty years to build back in the 26th Century BCE. Recently discovered dwellings nearby suggest that the workers were free men, not slaves.


      Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) and Khafre from our hotel

We saw the pyramids only from afar on a day trip in 2006—the best views were from the 3rd floor of Pizza Hut near the Sphinx. This time we wanted to see them up close, so we booked a room at Elite Pyramids Boutique Hotel. Zeko and brother Sam have a great location—you can see the Great Pyramid from the rooftop restaurant—a good restaurant and comfortable rooms. They also arranged for a driver to meet us at Cairo Airport but due to Sunday traffic it took us more than two-hours for the 45-minute drive.


                    How the pyramids were REALLY constructed


               Khafre Pyramid with carriage wallah

The rear entrance—not the one near the Sphinx—is less than a kilometer from the hotel. Tickets are E£200, about $12, and another E£400 to go inside the Great Pyramid. Since photos are not permitted and nothing has changed since ’06, we went for the general admission only. For some reason they wanted to confiscate Connie’s binoculars at the entrance but we—she—prevailed.


                      More than the Great Pyramid

The pyramids are huge. Depending on how you count there are three or four or maybe five pyramids in Giza. Except for the very top of the Khafre Pyramid (the one on the US dollar bill) they are no longer smooth, just block upon block stair-stepping to the apex—the limestone facing was long ago stripped away for other building projects. These were the tombs of men who believed they were gods built at an astronomical cost to keep their names alive. Even Trump’s ego pales in comparison. Their design evolved over time and the engineering involved boggles the mind. 


                       The Great Sphinx and Cheops

The Sphinx, IMHO, doesn’t get enough credit. It isn’t ginormous like the pyramids, but it ain’t too shabby, either. It didn’t require the architects or engineers of the pyramids but it took some very talented artists to create it. And like its solid-geometrical companions, Mr. Sphinx has withstood the ravages of time pretty well.


                    A new meaning for Hump Day

Pretty the pryamids are not but a well-placed camel can add some interest to the photo. Likewise a view with the Sphinx included. Or you can go to Pizza Hut.


                     You can't beat the Hut!


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