CONNIE HAS BEEN TO PAPUA NEW GUINEA before on a birding trip. I begged off on that one so Maasdam’s stop in Alotau, our only stop on the "mainland," brought me one country nearer to Connie’s 167.
Joshua, PNG fashionista
Another couple joined us as we were discussing options near the taxi stand and it was only natural that we share the cost of a ride. We were hoping for a chance to walk in the forest but what we got was a staged village visit. Stephanie and Joshua wanted to show us what life is like in their slice of PNG but Connie had other plans—not only have we seen villages like theirs, we’ve lived in one!
Nicer than our digs in Uganda
While our new friends were o-o-hing and a-a-wing over village living conditions, we found a couple of new birds.