THE CLOUDS OVER KOKURA JAPAN HAD A SILVER LINING on that August morning in 1945. Bad luck for the residents of Nagasaki, though. Kokura had drawn the short straw and was the primary target for the world’s second nuclear bomb. But when the target was obscured by clouds and smoke, the B-29 carrying the plutonium bomb “Fat Man” diverted to Nagasaki. Cloud cover over Nagasaki nearly caused the mission to be scrubbed. When a sudden break in the clouds showed the Mitsubishi factories below, it was “Bombs Away!”

Aftermath — Mitsubishi Arms Factory 9 August 1945
Seeing the A-Bomb Museum at Nagasaki after visiting Hiroshima is a bit like visiting Dachau after seeing the horrors of Auschwitz. Once you see that man is capable of such deeds, you become numb in a sense. After all, 40,000 dead is as hard to comprehend as 100,000. Or seven million. They become, as Stalin said, statistics, not people. It is really sad when we start saying, “Well, select one (Hiroshima) (Ruwanda) (Dresden) (Armenia) (Tokyo) was worse” as if there are better atrocities.

Melted Bottles Dali-esque reminder
Perhaps the hardest part to swallow about Nagasaki is that it wasn’t even the target and a second bomb wasn’t necessary. The war was essentially over. This was a case of boys — geniuses, for sure but boys nevertheless — playing with one of their toys just to see if it worked. And they are still playing, with equally dire consequences.

Statues from Other Countries, , Nagasaki Peace Park

Peace Statue, Nagasaki Peace Park
The Peace Park is a pleasant catharsis to the horrors of that day. Many of the sculptures show the better qualities of humans. Surprisingly, most came from those “peace-loving” communist countries in Europe. I didn’t see one is from the UK, the US or Canada. Opportunistic by the commies v guilt by the Allies perhaps?

La-La-La Life Goes On!
It’s sunny in Nagasaki today. The War has been over for nearly 75 years. The streetcars are packed with students and mothers, tour groups and businessmen — even a rugby team from Scotland. You can ride anywhere for 130 yen. And life is good.

But still I wonder where god was at 11:05 on August 9, 1945.