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Worldtrip a 45 year old's adventures around the world-which include everything from sitting in random McDonalds using his notebook, hanging with 22 year olds, and other immature stuff.


There are [0] photos and [20] stories about Spain

My yachting week

Sunday, 4 Jun 2017 | Views [1060]

  The first day, in Barcelona, the instructions we're to board at 1:00 pm, or so I thought. I took the metro to the station nearby, and hailed a cab, and rushed here. I thought I would be late. As it appears, I boarded at 1:00 pm-and was the ... Read more >

Brussles on 20 Euros a wash

Wednesday, 17 Jun 2015 | Views [701]

After landing, and taking a bus from the airport 1 hour away by a driver safely driving way under the speed limit, I was deposited at the Brussels rail station-from here I was able to find the metro to the hostel. This went pretty easily-as the directions ... Read more >

TAPAS-food developed in business school

Wednesday, 17 Jun 2015 | Views [679]

In Spain, particularly in Seville, just about every restaurant serves tapas. Tapas means covering, and also small plates. That's what tapas are, small plates of food. And they are heavily advertised, as tourists can go home and brag that they went to ... Read more >

See ya' Seville

Tuesday, 16 Jun 2015 | Views [525] | Comments [1]

Yesterday was my last day in Seville. I spent more time in Seville than any other city. Why? Because Seville was that great? Ah-no. Seville actually is beautiful. When  I was done with the hostel, where I spent 3 nights (which ended on a Thurs), ... Read more >

Tags: seville, spain, tapas

Back to the Hostel

Monday, 15 Jun 2015 | Views [525]

Today I am checking out of this hotel and moving back to the hostel? Why, just one more night and off to Brussels. The hostel is cheaper, and they have  a computer where I can print out my boarding pass for tomorrow (on European discount carriers, ... Read more >

Tags: hostel, spain

Sevillin n Chillin

Monday, 15 Jun 2015 | Views [508]

Yes. I am still here in Seville, (and running out of titles as you can see). Yesterday was an ok day-not too exciting. The first thing I did was search for a breakfast place with wifi. While a lot of local places have wifi, I usually just rely on ... Read more >

Tags: church, seville

The Reales Seville

Sunday, 14 Jun 2015 | Views [554]

Yesterday was a better day. While still here in Seville, i visited the Reales Alcazares, which is a giant palace and gardens originally devloped by the Moorish Kings. The palace is absolutely beautiful, with gorgeous tiles with intricate patterns. There ... Read more >

Tags: gypsy, seville, spain

Still Seville

Saturday, 13 Jun 2015 | Views [585]

I am still here in Seville, and actually will be until Tuesday morning.  Yesterday wasn't a particulalry exciting day-I went to the train station to look at tickets for some other destinations for the day, like Cadiz-and took the long way. I ... Read more >

Tags: seville

Hostels-where do they do it?

Friday, 12 Jun 2015 | Views [564]

Today I am in checking out of this hostel, and moving to a hotel. I actually like this hostel-the people are friendly, both those who work here and the other guests.  I have become somewhat acclimated to being in hostels-In England I purchased a ... Read more >

Tags: hostel, spain

Seville fo real

Friday, 12 Jun 2015 | Views [574] | Comments [1]

This blog yesterday was short and sloppy-simply because as I mentioned, I attended the pub crawl the following evening (till morning), and woke up later then I thought. What I didn't say is that before I came here to Seville-I knew nothing about Seville.... Read more >

Tags: seville, spain

The Barber of Seville

Thursday, 11 Jun 2015 | Views [458]

Yesterday, I had a busy day. It was my first full day in Seville.  The hostel is actually ok. It has a pool, elevator, and a bar and kitchen on the roof. I went on three tours yesterday, first is a walking tour which was real cool, I learned ... Read more >

Sleeping on the Street

Wednesday, 10 Jun 2015 | Views [498]

Well, that didn't happen. But almost. Yesterday was my last day in Madrid. It was a good day, as I had an unused ticket for the Hop-on Hop-off bus, which i took to a part of town I hadn't visited yet. I saw the stadium, the Embassy section of town, ... Read more >

Tags: hostel, seville

Just The Plane Truth

Tuesday, 9 Jun 2015 | Views [512]

Yesterday  morning wasn't too exciting. The other day, I booked a plane ticket to Seville for $43.00 (It was like 40 Euros so that seems like an appropriate conversion rate). With a bag it was about $55.00. I put my name down wrong on the ticket.... Read more >

Totally Bull

Monday, 8 Jun 2015 | Views [810]

Yesterday morning, I checked out of the hostel and into a hotel.  This was planned, and had nothing to do with the bedding fiasco. I have learned to change accomodations every 3 days or so, even in the same city, to beat monotany and also provide ... Read more >

Tags: bullfight, madrid

Down Boy-the Sequel

Sunday, 7 Jun 2015 | Views [482]

I returned to the hostel at about  1:15 last night-I was tired and looking forward to going to bed. My only concern is there used to be a top blanket which now was missing. I have no idea where it went-not that I needed it-again it is in the 90's ... Read more >

Tags: hostel, madrid

Virgins and nature

Sunday, 7 Jun 2015 | Views [517]

Yesterday, I went to the Prado-the Art Museum in Madrid-I figured I would check out the dark art that Spanish Aritists did, and what we we're told about in the tour. There we're some paintings of Spanish Rulers and their families, but A LOT of paintings ... Read more >

Tags: madrid, spain

Down Boy-literally

Saturday, 6 Jun 2015 | Views [517] | Comments [1]

Upon returning back to the hostel yesterday, I fell off the stairs to my bunk. I am in a 8 person room, and the bunks are taken by a first-come first-serve basis. The lower bunks are the first to go, and I had an upper bunk, which is quite inconvenient, ... Read more >

Down Boy

Saturday, 6 Jun 2015 | Views [439]

One of the cool parts of Madrid is called Plaza Mayor-a huge plaza where people meet, resturants and stores exist, and there is a lot of history. Plus various entertainers ply their trade here. My favorite is some weird, creepy looking dog-with two larges ... Read more >

Tour de Jour

Saturday, 6 Jun 2015 | Views [458]

Yesterday I went on three different tours: The first was a free walking tour of Madrid, at 10:00 am, which was quite interesting. I learned that just like Portugal, Spain was a dictatorship as well until the mid-70's. I also learned that all of the ... Read more >

Shake It Off

Friday, 5 Jun 2015 | Views [549]

Yesterday, I left Portugal. This was a little bit sad, as I loved Sintra, and I loved the Portugese language, although I can only say thank you. (Obrigado). It sounds like a combination of Spanish and Italian, and has a bit of a Romantic Sound. I ... Read more >



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