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Seville fo real

SPAIN | Friday, 12 June 2015 | Views [575] | Comments [1]

This blog yesterday was short and sloppy-simply because as I mentioned, I attended the pub crawl the following evening (till morning), and woke up later then I thought.

What I didn't say is that before I came here to Seville-I knew nothing about Seville. Some people I met in Madrid said it was nice and it was cheap, and that is why I am here. The only things I know is (1) I heard Ricky Ricardo sing about The Barber of Seville in I Love Lucy (2) Cadillac Seville.  Other then that, nothing,

It is actually quite a neat city.  One of the largest cathedrals in Europe (if not the largest), and it held the 1929 World Exposition, where there are buildings representing just about every country, including the grandiose Spain building, with small sitting areas for every part of Spain.  And there is a grand outdoor mall, as the people are so laid back and fun loving.  There is even a metro system. This place seems to have a similar climate to South Florida-sunny and warm year round and hot in the summer. 

Yesterday, after getting up late and showering, i first went to the Church of El Salvador, which is smaller then the grand cathederal, but our tour guide said I could go there to buy combo tickets to the grand cathedral, and save waiting on line there. I actually liked the Church of El Salvador more-there we're fewer crowds, and there was classical/boroque music played to go  along with the exhibits.

Then I went to the Grand Catherdral, which was-grand. It was very crowded, and  made of so many chapels it was confusing. More pics of Jesus on the cross, the Virgin Mary, etc-but it was beautiful. And I went into the tower, which before becoming a Cathedral was a Minaret, since it was built for the Muslims, with great views and more crowds.

I then had lunch at 100 Montaditos, which I have eaten at least 4 times here in Spain but it is good and cheap (again, they are in South Florida now as well).

After a nap back at the hostel, I walked around to the Plaza de Espana, and saw the spain exhibiit, and walked around the adjacent municipal park. As my style, I got lost going back to the hotel, but I had dinner at another Spanish Chain called Vips (which serves American food), and went to what is called "The Mushroom", which is across the street from the hostle, it is a large structure meant to provide shade over a plaza, and is shaped like a mushroom-it looks weird but provides a nice view. After this I ate more (I was still hungary), and found another place, and went to bed around 12:00 am.

Tags: seville, spain



Very very interesting, I did learn a lot about Sevilla, thanks xxooxx

  Dany McLean Jun 17, 2015 2:15 AM



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