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Worldtrip a 45 year old's adventures around the world-which include everything from sitting in random McDonalds using his notebook, hanging with 22 year olds, and other immature stuff.


There are [6] photos and [13] stories about Ukraine

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I'm Feeling Kind of Hostel

Thursday, 29 Oct 2015 | Views [806]

A while ago on my journey, on a trip from Kotor, Montenegro to Tirana, Albania, I met two ladies from Utah who we're on vacation. They we're on the same shuttle bus from the hostel that I and a few others we're on between the two cities. They weren't ... Read more >

Gorging in Lviv

Thursday, 29 Oct 2015 | Views [438]

As mentioned yesterday, I arrived in Lviv at 6:30 yesterday morning-which is too early for ..... just about anything. So there was a 24 hour diner next to the train station, which had everything  I was looking for-they accepted credit cards and ... Read more >

Tags: liev, ukraine

Midnight Train to Lviv

Wednesday, 28 Oct 2015 | Views [478]

Last night I caught the night train to Lviv. A roughly 8 hour journey, leaving Kiev at 10:42 and arriving around 6:30.the train actually has sleeper cars.   Staying in hostels and speaking to others-I have heard lots of stories-that the ... Read more >

Tags: kiev, lviv, ukraine

Quicky Kiev

Wednesday, 28 Oct 2015 | Views [465]

Yesterday was a long long day and a busy day, as it was my final day in Kiev.    As I mentioned a few days ago, this part of the trip has a different tone then the first to  middle parts. Back then, I stayed in the spots I visited ... Read more >

Tags: kiev, ukraine

Chernobylicious-to the site of the Worst Nuclear Power Plant accident of all Time

Tuesday, 27 Oct 2015 | Views [589]

Yesterday was one of the highlights of the entire trip. I visited the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and the surrounding towns.   First of all a quote from the New Testament of the Bible. (I don't believe in the new Testament, nor in a God ... Read more >

Tags: chernobyl, kiev, ukraine

JAN-Just Another Tour

Monday, 26 Oct 2015 | Views [468]

This trip has taken a different one the last few weeks.   For 90% of the trip, I went to places when I felt like going. I stayed as long as I felt like staying. I only moved on when I was ready. This has caused me to go to many interesting ... Read more >

Tags: kiev, ukraine

I Saw The Enemy-and It is Me

Monday, 26 Oct 2015 | Views [443]

Yesterday was my first day in Kiev. I went on a walking tour of Kiev, but I was a little confused about the time  it started. One information sheet said it started at 11:00 am-but two other places and the website said it started at 12:00 pm.... Read more >

Tags: kiev, ukraine

Sexual Innuendos and Spongebob

Sunday, 25 Oct 2015 | Views [511]

Yesterday I got up very very early, or rather I am not sure I went to bed the night before. I had to take the train to Kiev-a 7 hour journey, and the train left at 5:47 am.   I rarely have a problem waking up early-As far the night before.... Read more >

Tags: kiev, ukraine

Odessa Not Much

Saturday, 24 Oct 2015 | Views [446]

Today was my last day in Odessa. I would have stayed longer but I am leaving the Ukraine back to the US a week from today, so I need to allocate my time here in the Ukraine so I have time for both Kiev and Lviv possibly.    I started ... Read more >

The Odessa Railway Station-Its Not a Zoo

Friday, 23 Oct 2015 | Views [466]

The lady here at the hostel hates me. Maybe it is because I am older then the other guests. Maybe she thinks I'm ugly. How do I know?-because she asked me to go to the Odessa railway station to buy a ticket for tomorrow's journey to Kiev. She even wrote ... Read more >

Tags: odessa, ukraine

I'll Clean My Nose if You Take a Shower

Friday, 23 Oct 2015 | Views [485]

I have never been accused of being a quick learner. Often times, I have needed teachers or professors to repeat things in order for me to understand.  I have learned to ask questions and that is how I made it through school, from Kindergarten to ... Read more >

Tags: odessa, ukraine

Photos: Ukraine

Thursday, 22 Oct 2015 | Photo Gallery

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Odessa Odessy

Thursday, 22 Oct 2015 | Views [522]

Yesterday I got up early-very early-at 4:30 am much to the dismay of my other room mate at the Retro Hostel in Chisinau. (yes only 2 of us we're in the 6 bed dorm, as matter of fact the entire hostel (in addition to one staff member)). I wanted to reach ... Read more >

Tags: chisinau, moldova, odessa, ukraine



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