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Trip: Grandma goes to Europe

There are [21] stories from my trip: Grandma goes to Europe

Farewell to Old England ...

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 17 May 2015 | Views [359]

I hope not. But I'm being realistic. I may not get to my beloved England again. That doesn't mean no travelling. I'm an addicted traveller - wanderlust is never far away. But I chose this Trafalgar Tour in the belief that I might not get back. It has ... Read more >

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Photos: Wales and Windsor

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 17 May 2015 | Photo Gallery

Phiotos of Windsor, England and Cardiff, Wales
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The Emerald Isle

IRELAND | Saturday, 16 May 2015 | Views [375]

I'm taking some poetic licence here. I'm ignoring the border between Eire and Northern Ireland. A border that had caused so much political turmoil, but which in reality doesn't exist. When you drive from one to another the only change is that the road ... Read more >

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Photos: The Emerald Isle

IRELAND | Friday, 15 May 2015 | Photo Gallery

Photos from Belfast, Dublin, Waterford, & Glendalough, Ireland. Trafalgar Tour of Britain & Ireland.
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Photos: Scotland the Brave

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 14 May 2015 | Photo Gallery

Photos from Edinburgh, Stirling, & Ayr, Scotland. Trafalgar Tour of Britain & Ireland
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Photos: The beautiful lakes

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 11 May 2015 | Photo Gallery

Photos from Ambleside & Grasmere, Lakes District U.K. Trafalgar Tour of Britain & Ireland
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Photos: The House of York

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 10 May 2015 | Photo Gallery

Photos from York, U.K. Trafalgar Tour of Britain & Ireland
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Trafalgar by Bus

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 9 May 2015 | Views [261]

With the overseas contingent of my family returning to Australia later in the year, I won't have that motivation to brave the long flight again. This may be my last trip to Europe and to my beloved England. So the last week of this trip has been - in ... Read more >


HUNGARY | Friday, 8 May 2015 | Views [368]

I last visited Budapest in 2005. That time I was there as a tourist. We went to all the beautiful places - the Parliament, Hero's Square, the Fisherman's Bastion, the Castle, and a memorable night cruise on the Danube as the lights of the city went on.... Read more >

Photos: Budapest

HUNGARY | Wednesday, 6 May 2015 | Photo Gallery

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CHINA | Monday, 27 Apr 2015 | Views [319]

Well, here we are in the Rennaisance Hotel in .Shanghai. We have free unlimited Wi-Fi. I can access my footy tipping, my emails, and this blog site. I can share this onto Facebook. But I can't access Facebook. Banned by chinese government. Anyway.... Read more >

Photos: Shanghai

CHINA | Sunday, 26 Apr 2015 | Photo Gallery

Photos from Shanghai, China
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Washed out, Rained out, Fizzer!

SOUTH KOREA | Saturday, 25 Apr 2015 | Views [316]

So, no photos of South Korea. It rained. People sloshed around in the puddles on the Excursions. Not me - I pre-empted it all by getting the flu. Hacking cough which I wasn't keen to display in crowded buses. Even if I could have stayed awake. Temple ... Read more >

Nagasaki: Peace in our time.

JAPAN | Thursday, 16 Apr 2015 | Views [312]

It's the sort of museum that you walk through in silence. The Atomic Bomb Museum in Nagasaki. The before and after pictures. The photos of the primary school that was hit. Artifacts - things that survived but not in recognizable form. Bits of the Catholic ... Read more >

Photos: Nagasaki: Peace in our time.

JAPAN | Thursday, 16 Apr 2015 | Photo Gallery

Photos from the Peace Park and the Atomic Bomb Museum, Nagasaki
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Formosa. The Beautiful Island

TAIWAN | Monday, 13 Apr 2015 | Views [341] | Comments [1]

I'd forgotten that Taiwan used to be called Formosa. I don't think that I ever realized how many cultures have occupied this island -  the Portugese, the Dutch, (Abel Tasman came from here)  the Japanes, and of cause tthe Chinese. All have ... Read more >

Photos: Formosa. The beautiful Island

TAIWAN | Monday, 13 Apr 2015 | Photo Gallery

Photos from Kaoshung and Tapei, Taiwan
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No Ice Cream Shop

HONG KONG | Wednesday, 8 Apr 2015 | Views [342]

Well the bad news is that the Haagen-Dazs ice cream shop has moved and didn't leave a forwarding address. The rest is all good news. Our flight was uneventful although sardine class seems to be more confined than ever. Naturally, as soon as the seatbelt ... Read more >

Photos: Hong Kong Again

HONG KONG | Monday, 6 Apr 2015 | Photo Gallery

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Grandma goes to Europe.

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 6 Apr 2015 | Views [321]

Three, two, one, zero! This time tomorrow l'll be in Hong Kong. Settling in at the Kowloon hotel. Both familiar to me. The hotel is one street away from the harbour, and two away from the ferry terminal. More importantly it is one street away from the ... Read more >

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