This is a fairly big city, bustling, loads of local noise, traffic, pretty. Reminds us a bit of Napoli the atmosphere. LOVE IT so far.
The city is pretty with it sitting in a backdrop of so many green mountains. The city is 3500meters above sea level and boats so many inca ruins in and around the city.
The people are friendly, charming and proud of their heritage. Many locals dress in their traditional gear, walk around with bags of potatos on their head or back and carry a goat. ´
We are finding it hard to breathe normally here. Altitude is really a factor and alot more so than we ever expected. We even have an uneasy time breathing when we sleep. Going a slight uphill has my heart racing like I ran up a volcano.
The food is incredible. Tastes great and is so cheap. We are eating for 5 SOL max a person(1.25 Eur). This price includes a giant bowl of spicy soup, plate of rice, potatos, and slabs of lamb or chicken. Plus a local sweet corn drink to finish. WOW. I can`t even nearly finish it.
Dinner was even cheaper 3.50 SOL for soup, main, dessert, tea. WOW less than 2EUR for us both. Internet is 1.50 SOL an hour COOL.
We went to a local football soccer game today. Cuzco vs Bolognesa (our team won ofcourse cuzco). Whoo hoo. The taxi ride was 2 SOL and the ticket was 15SOL for great seats. The stadium behind has views of more green mountains and is just stunning to see. Wish I had my camera ´to show you all.
Ciao for now!