After dumping our bags at home, we headed out for the famous Cheesecake Factory. We have been hearing about this place from friends for such a long time.
We started off with the appetizers which we took the one with bits of everything. YUMM and ever so much! The 5 of us ate and were nearly full from this alone. It had calamaries, Wantons, Quesadillas, Crabcakes, Vietnamese Loompia, Spinach dip, with some Guacamole on the side.
We ordered the Luau Salad, share for 2 - was more than enough. A great tasting salad and full of grilled chicken. The salad was fresh and flavours rich and full but still felt easy to consume. With some crispy flat croutons in a hint of asian flavour. Was wonderful to eat.
The main events were the cheesecakes, there are somany to choose from it is nearly heartbreaking to have to choose one over the other. As many things in the USA, this was made with alot of great flavour and is easy indeed to become addicted to. The Cheesecake Factory can be found in Chicago, LA, San Fran. Worth the look into.
Thank you to Tito Erwin and Tita Gigi for treating us to lunch here! We had mooked forward to it SO much! And it didn't disappoint.
Now it is time for some WII with Mitzy... Briel is over the moon.
Ciao for now!