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Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts 2007

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 5 Jul 2007 | Views [1600] | Comments [2]

We left Bath and headed back to Glastonbury/Street through the Mendips. Vinnie didn’t like the uphill bits and narrow lanes much. We parked up at our favourite spot in Street and did the last minute shopping stuff in Glastonbury itself. Tom was on the ... Read more >

Tags: on the road


UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 5 Jul 2007 | Views [506]

Bath is a town planner’s victory! Lots of glorious buildings in harmony with each other. We took ourselves on a walking tour starting with the Royal Crescent then the Circus (where I found 2 quid yay!), then the baths old and new. We’d spent that ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Gallery: Glastonbury Festival

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 5 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 61 photos >>

Gallery: Bristol Bath

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 5 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

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UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Views [674] | Comments [2]

We spent a night in a car park in Street, a village just south of Glastonbury (and where some Bockett’s lived in the 1400’s) ready for our morning balloon flight over Glastonbury. But alas, it was cancelled due to icky weather. Street has ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating


UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Views [583]

After breakfast with Vic and Peter we headed to north with a detour through The Wallops. I’ve always wanted to go to Nether Wallop since a comedy festival was televised from there in the 80s (fundraising a new church spire or similar). We then headed ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Southampton Beer Festival

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Views [5515] | Comments [2]

We arrived back in Southampton at went straight to the festival where we were issued with a pass to allow us to park right outside J After a supply top us at Asda we checked in for our shifts and were immediately issued with a name badge, meal ... Read more >

Tags: Work

The New Forest.

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Views [5272]

Not being needed at the beer festival for a few days we headed just a few miles away to the New Forest. We’d both read Edward Rutherfurd’s book ‘The Forest’ so it was interesting to finally visit the places mentioned therein. The forest looked exactly ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors


UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Views [471]

The next day we continued on to Southampton and drove around until we found a street to park in for free. We then wandered downtown for a few more supplies and to help out for a few hours with the setting up of the beer festival. This was pretty interesting ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Stuck in Swindon.

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Views [561]

We headed the next day in the direction of Southampton but just a few k’s down the road Nick said ‘this isn’t right’. The accelarator pedal had broken = no acceleration. Not great in the middle of a roundabout over the M4. We hobbled to the next ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

The Vale of the White Horse.

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Views [3925]

The day after the festival we headed to Wiltshire to see the White Horse etched into the hill. I’ve been wanting to see this for years and it was pretty amazing. A couple of other features in the area, including Waylands Smithy, kept us busy for ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Wychwood Continued

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 5 Jun 2007 | Views [747]

As two of our shifts are in the Pit or Backstage on the Main stage we had to go to a special briefing in that area. We were instructed on how to lift distressed persons from the front of the crowd into the pit. Nick got to be one of the people ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road


UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 5 Jun 2007 | Views [512]

After another brief stop in Cheltenham for wellies and beer glasses (both essential pieces of equipment at festivals) we found our way to Cheltenham racecourse through a combination of Nick’s memory and sense of direction. He is well known for ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

The Cotswolds

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 5 Jun 2007 | Views [858]

We headed off the next day after a bit more supply shopping, to Cheltenham for the first festival. Our route took us right through the Cotswolds and gave us a healthy fix for our old stone building addiction. Every scene is a postcard and the ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Picking up Vinnie

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 5 Jun 2007 | Views [505]

After another trek to the end of the tube (Zone D – who knew there was a zone D on the tube!) we arrived with our packs at Chesham to take possession of Vinnie. Then we were on a mission to replace the gas bottle and mattress they’d stripped out.... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Gallery: South of England

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 5 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 46 photos >>

Bank Holiday Monday

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 28 May 2007 | Views [469] | Comments [2]

The next day is freezing with a forecast high of 8 degrees! This is supposed to be summer. If it is actually 8 degrees today it will set an all time record for the lowest high ever in May. We’re off to shop for wellies as the weather for the first ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Jenny's Place

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 28 May 2007 | Views [476]

For the past few days we’ve been staying at Jenny’s (a friend we met on a train in Thailand and few years ago). It’s a neat place in Putney with loads of character and plenty of space. We’ve had her flatmate’s room for a few nights but I think ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Vinny the Van

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 28 May 2007 | Views [1288]

After a couple of days of trekking all over London, chewing up pounds on our Tube Oyster cards, we finally found a suitable van – Vinny the VW. He’s huge!! We were looking for a Self Propelled Metal Tent and ended up with more of a Self Propelled ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road


UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 28 May 2007 | Views [438]

We’d prearranged to meet Sam at a pub in Finsbury at a certain time and were near enough to it that he’d only got through ¼ of his first pint. It was a lovely warm day (actually a bit too warm for carrying packs). After a nice BBQ that night and ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

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