I CONFESS. BECAUSE WE ARE VISITING BHUTAN on a package tour I did no research. None. This is the way most Americans approach a trip – pay the money, show up and listen to the guide. But what could we possibly need to know about the Land of the Thunder Dragon, Shangri-La, a country where Gross National Happiness trumps Gross National Product?
The group, five of us in all, assembled in bits and pieces. Pam arrived thoroughly jet-lagged at Paro airport just before we did and our guide, Penjur, escorted us to the Khang Residency Hotel in Thimpu, by far the plushest place we have stayed in years. Rene and Keiko arrived in time for dinner, in much the same condition as Pam.
We usually shy away from groups, even small ones. As it turns out we are all of an age, Connie being the youngest. Pam is a widow from Minnesota on her first solo trip while Rene and Keiko live in New York. He was born in France, she in Japan and each has the accent to prove it. Both are retired professors from Columbia University. It didn’t take us long over dinner to discover our common interests; travel, photography and birding. It’s going to be a bit tight in the van but I think we will get along well enough. I had hoped Penjur’s English would be better but with a little patience we should all be able to be understood.