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Trip: Europe 2008

There are [32] stories from my trip: Europe 2008

Home Sweet Home

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 23 Jul 2008 | Views [680]

Okay, this is just a short note to finish the travel blog off.  The Oak Hall tour came to a sad end, as our group split, shattering into individual shards like a glass thrown away, we drifted apart with many, many promises to Facebook (i.e. - keep ... Read more >

Tags: experiences, flights, friends, home, its the end

Our Parieeeee ~ *heart*

FRANCE | Thursday, 17 Jul 2008 | Views [885]

Well, we visited Paris - the ultimate whirlwind ending to our ultimate whirlwind tour.  It was in and out for a day - but what a day. Off on another boat cruise to start the day - a lovely ride down the Siene River - we saw all the sights that you ... Read more >

Tags: eiffel tower, open space, paris, siene river, snails, the lourve

Moving on - the buzz through Switzerland

FRANCE | Friday, 4 Jul 2008 | Views [682]

Off again on our adventures - we once more battled with the elements when the time came to strike the camp; I don't think that that many tents (13 plus a single & two cook's tents) have ever been erected in such a short period of time - and I do ... Read more >

Tags: alps, snowfights, switzerland, thunderstorm

Wheeeeeee.... Sleep deprived!

ITALY | Tuesday, 1 Jul 2008 | Views [713]

So we've gone from the broiling heat of Rome, to the less so of Florence onto the happy medium in the lake district of Italy.  Up near the Alps again, next to Lake Magiore(sp?), we have had a bit of an adventure around the place. First challange came ... Read more >

Tags: isola bella, lake district, neptunes palace, rain, sleep deprived

Florence again.

ITALY | Sunday, 29 Jun 2008 | Views [819]

Still enjoying the Italian summer - we headed up to Florence on the Wednesday, and had our five hour excursion to the city yesterday.  Em-J and I were rather boring on this trip as we had already been to Firenze and there wasn't anything else we ... Read more >

Tags: aimlessly ambling, beach, firenze, fun, shopping

Suntan in Italian Sunshine - w00t!

ITALY | Wednesday, 25 Jun 2008 | Views [882]

We left the searing heat of Venice for the muggy melting-ness of Rome.  It was a long drive down, but when we finally got there we found out that this was indeed “A party place peoples!”.  There where Contiki Buses everywhere.. Anywho we set up as ... Read more >

Tags: cookies, dark side, gelato, italy, oreos, st. peters, suntan

Viva La Venice!

ITALY | Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Views [1354]

 We traveled by coach from the lovely Austrain Alps; said “Goodbye” to the cold weather (with some relief it must be admitted, although the area was so beautiful) and “Ciao Bella!” to the gorgeous 30 degree + sunshine and clear skies of warm, wonderful ... Read more >

Tags: beach, gondalas, italy, sunburn, venice

The Hills are Alive-

AUSTRIA | Thursday, 19 Jun 2008 | Views [687]

 *sings * The hills are alive/ with the sound of... waterfalls? No, actually, the hills where alive with the sound of music (but also waterfalls; will explain in a bit!)– we drove from Petronell-Carnuntum to Zell in the Zimml Valley, but on the way ... Read more >

Tags: austrian alps, kimml valley, salzburg, sound of music, waterfalls

Second day of Vienna fun

AUSTRIA | Sunday, 15 Jun 2008 | Views [785]

Okay – so after an awesome day out on the town; mad-cap soccer induced antics included, how on earth could we possibly top those adventures? Easily enough it would seem! Em-J and I got up at half six – batty I know; such a evil hour should not exist..... Read more >

Tags: lipanzzana horses, spanish riding school, vienna boys choir

The Austrian Expiriance

AUSTRIA | Saturday, 14 Jun 2008 | Views [989] | Comments [1]

Ok - so the last two days since I updated have flown and as usual were jam-packed with all this stuff I can hardly wrap my head around.  We drove from the Czech Republic all the way through the province to Petronell-Carnuntum, Austria; which right next ... Read more >

Tags: concetration camps, driving, euro cup, schönbrunn palace, soccer

Say what?!??

CZECH REPUBLIC | Thursday, 12 Jun 2008 | Views [1025]

I can't believe it - but we've finally left Teen Ranch.  It feels like a life time since we arrived and believe it or not; it is now totally stuck in my head as home!  So homesick for the place - I even miss Steel's *quote* 'stupid face' *end quote*.... Read more >

Tags: coaches, craziness, europe, goodbyes, homesick, oak hall, teen ranch, tour

Chillaxed Travel

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 20 May 2008 | Views [694]

So we headed up to Arbroath today - it wasn't far away at all and was well worth the trip.  15-20mins away from Dundee by train; it's a reasonably sized town on the East coast of Scotland below Aberdeen. EmJ and I hit the town around about 11:30am ... Read more >

Tags: abbey, arbraoth, seagulls

Life goes on....

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 17 May 2008 | Views [628]

Life goes on - and the number of injuries sustained by EmJ and myself have remained minimal thankfully; they could be worse. I've sprained my wrist and EmJ's recovering from a sore back. They really COULD be worse - stories to tell! So Steel ... Read more >

Tags: boys, idiot horse, wabbit hunting

Pranks and Pure Banter

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 27 Apr 2008 | Views [718]

Life here is pure banter like usual - yesterday we (Ginger [see "Inductions"; he was in on that too] Steel, BishieBoy[sort of; he wasn't really part of it, but did help] and myself) played a prank on one of the girls here - Fox(she's really ... Read more >

Tags: banter, pranks, ruins, swimming

All the way to Aberdeen

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 17 Apr 2008 | Views [712]

EmJ and I headed out to Aberdeen this last Monday - and we where lucky enough to have a day of fair weather (fair for Aberdeen meaning it only rained for two minutes the entire time we where there!). It took us about two and a half to three hours ... Read more >

Tags: aberdeen, daffodils


UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 9 Apr 2008 | Views [591] | Comments [1]

More horsey stories for those that care! Okay - so when you're on horse staff for nine days straight it is pretty much all you can think of... Story 1. Did a barrel race on Mustang (a liver brown cob mare) in 24.28 (approx. seconds) and was pleased ... Read more >

Tags: banter, horses

Fun in the sun - *gasp-shock-horror*

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 1 Apr 2008 | Views [563]

Yes, as the title suggests - we actually had sunshine today! Okay, so it's not such a big deal, we've had sunshine for many days out of the whole here in Scotland, but today was absolutely lovely. Although, that could've been that even at mid-day ... Read more >

It must be love, love, love

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 31 Mar 2008 | Views [621] | Comments [2]

Sigh! I'm in love!!! Curious? Here at Teen Ranch, Scotland I have met the sweetest, gentlest, hottest man in the world! He's SOO gorgeous. Tall, buff, with beautiful brown eyes and flowing black hair. He's SOO sweet and he takes care ... Read more >

Let's go for a Reel Fling and dance the night away....

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 24 Mar 2008 | Views [833]

This past week has been same old-same old, excepting that everything is still new to us! EmJ and I have been working away at the horses - and having a blast! When we are not haunting the stables, we are doing various odd jobs around the place and having ... Read more >


UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 16 Mar 2008 | Views [628] | Comments [1]

So tired... ._. So really very tired. EmJ and I managed our first day of camp - a full house, none the less, with rather well adjusted scurrying. We really did have a great time: it was a blast. Up at 7:00am, we did various bits and ... Read more >

Tags: horses

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